The Plough
-E-mail newsletter of the Irish Republican Socialist Party
Number- 3 Date August 29th 2003
1. Eamon McCann
2. IRSP response to Press Association story
3. The U.S.S.R and Nazi Germany
4. The Politics of Food
5. Belfast Anti-War Movement
6. Anti-war meetings in your area
7. Joint Communiqué of the FARC-EP and the ELN
8. Forthcoming events
9. Plough details.
On Eamon McCann
Eamon McCann writing in the Pro-Good Friday Agreement newspaper the Belfast
Telegraph had a sideswipe at the IRSP in the course of an attack on a so called republican
principle that
“-leads its adherents to believe that the paramilitary group they support has a right to
kill people who challenge its authority?
In terms of the Republican tradition as expressed over the past 30 years, it goes back to
the "mandate" of 1916 and the notion of the "army" as the legitimate representative of
the will of the Irish people.”
McCann has cleverly lumped all republican groups together as a way of denigrating the
whole left wing republican tradition. He totally distorts a statement from Terry Harkin in
which Harkin was contrasting the principles of the GFA with the actual implementation
of it in practice. Efforts by statutory authorities to halt a memorial to dead INLA
volunteers contrasted strongly with their failure to deal with offensive flags slogans and
murals that incite the murder of Catholics. Large numbers of PSNI moved in force to
facilitate the removal of the monument contrasting with their inactivity over UDA flags
in Sandy Row 200 yards from Donegall Pass police station
Nowhere is there any indication that the INLA have ever claimed a mandate for their
activities. . But the INLA on the 5th Anniversary of the INLA ceasefire said explicitly
and this was read out at the Maghera Memorial
“In August 1998 the leadership of the INLA with the full support of the volunteers of the
People’s Army called a ceasefire in response to the will of the Irish people as expressed
through the Referenda on the Good Friday Agreement. “-The INLA has no interests
outside the liberation of the working class and the establishment of a socialist society.”
Yet McCann feels free to distort facts and peddle the big lie,
“Brendan Convery and Gerald Mallon may have been sent out by their INLA bosses. But,
to the IRSP, they actually carried a mandate from "the indigenous Irish."
It is mystical nonsense of this sort that the killing of Danny McGurk tells us we need rid
It is a fact that of all the republican left tendencies it has been the Republican Socialist
movement alone that has consistently and persistently attacked the notion of “republican
legitimacy ‘ from either the 1916 Rising or the First Dail. We have advocated the
centrality of the Irish Working class to the struggle in Ireland. We as a movement never
gave any credence to mystical concepts such as “Mother Ireland” or peddled any kind of
pseudo nationalist claptrap. We are internationalists, socialists and revolutionaries.
Indeed it is ironic that a “revolutionary socialist” such as McCann, a defender not of the
1916 rebellion, but an upholder of the 1917 revolution in Russia which certainly had no
mandate from the Russian people and during which the Bolsheviks seized power, should
seek to denigrate the only Republican group which explicitly recognised in its ceasefire
statement the expressed will of the Irish people while believing that the people had made
the wrong choice.
IRSP Ard Comhairle member Terry Harkin has accused the DUP of "Pot Boiling"
following what he called an "intensive media misrepresentation campaign," carried out
by the DUP and Press Association yesterday linking the five year old INLA Cease Fire to
the extradition of deportee John Eddie McNicholl to the North.
Mr. Harkin said. "from this story first surfaced on UTV last night we have been very
concerned about the motives behind these reports". "We are very angry about this attempt
to link the fate of a man who, having lived for over 20 years peacefully in the US was
abducted out side his family home and deported for no other reason than being accused of
having links with a group that George Bush Jnr. doesn't like because they wont accept the
validity of US government involvement in Irish affairs and even worse are socialist in
their outlook".
"Now, we have these strange bedfellows in the PA and DUP trying to link him to the
validity of the INLA Cease Fire. This is not the case, no segment of the Republican
Socialist Movement has met with the Free State or any government over Mr. McNicholl's
case, no nods, wink's or any other form of Monty Python politics has taken place between
representatives of our movement and anyone over John Eddie. No one from our
movement has spoken to anyone from the PA about this story but we can be sure that the
only grain of truth in this is are the quotes from the DUP's William Hay because that's
where the whole story came from". "No RSM personnel spoke to Alan Erwin, he never
phoned our office he made no attempt to check this old fashioned cod's wallop out."
"Let me make one thing very clear, the INLA Cease Fire was called because of the wish's
of the Irish people as expressed in the referenda and is not contingent on any one person.
It is a stand-alone case, John Eddie Mc Nicholl's situation is a stand-alone case, and they
have no connection whatsoever. The DUP are pot boiling to back up Jeffrey Donaldson
and Burnside in keeping Trimble under pressure. It's all Co. Derry sheep droppings and
spin, it's also to complex for the DUP to work out on their own". "Me thinks we detect
the sickly hand of a former professional spin doctor in all this".
Real Politic rather than Ideology
The U.S.S.R and Nazi Germany
In 1935, the Soviet Union proposed establishing a system of collective security in
Europe, aimed against German and Italian fascist expansionism. Britain and France
refused and followed a policy of "neutrality" in 1936 when the fascist powers intervened
in Spain to help Franco establish his fascist dictatorship. Then London and Paris
negotiated in Munich with the fascist powers and handed over the Sudetenland region of
Czechoslovakia to Hitler. At the same moment, Hitler's Germany signed a declaration
with Great Britain according to which they would never again go to war one against the
other. The repeated appeals of Stalin to form a collective defence system remained
without effect: Britain and France even allowed Hitler to occupy the whole of
Czechoslovakia in March 1939. In fact, they were inciting Hitler to make war in the
From June to August 1939, the Soviet Union carried on last minute negotiations
with Britain and France for an anti-fascist alliance. In July, however, Chamberlain
held secret negotiations with Hitler, to whom he guaranteed freedom of action in the
East and the South-East of Europe, also promising to break off relations with Stalin.
In August 1939, Stalin understood that London and Paris had decided to let Hitler
occupy Poland and thus leave the way free to the Soviet Union.
Hitler was determined to beat the Soviet Union, France and Britain, but he did not
want a war on two fronts. He wanted either war against Britain and France alone,
or against the Soviet Union alone. On 20 August, he proposed a pact of nonaggression
to the Soviet Union. Stalin, faced with the possibility of having to
confront Nazi barbarity alone, immediately accepted. The decision was also taken in
the context of the Japanese army attacking the Soviet Union on May 11 1939. The
non-aggression pact allowed the Red Army to concentrate on smashing the Japanese
invasion without having to fight on two fronts.
In fact, the Soviet Union concluded this pact with the clear understanding that
sooner or later war with Nazi Germany was inevitable. Once Germany had decided
to sign an accord with the USSR, Stalin forced out of Hitler a maximum of
concessions, ensuring the best possible conditions for the war to come. Hitler
offered Stalin all east Poland up to the River Vistula and Warsaw. When the Poles
collapsed, not before, Soviet troops moved only to the River Bug, only into those
annexed lands. The September 23, 1939 issue of Pravda wrote: `The only thing that
was possible was to preserve from German invasion Western Ukraine, Western
Byelorussia (two provinces seized from the Soviet Union in 1920) and the Baltic
countries. The Soviet government forced Germany to make the engagement to not
cross the line formed by the Thasse, Narew, Bug and Vistula rivers.' The most
realistic Western politicians saw clearly that by advancing its troops, the Soviet
Union gave itself a better starting position for the coming war. For example,
Churchill declared on October 1, 1939: `(T)hat the Russian armies should stand on
this line was clearly necessary for the safety of Russia against the Nazi menace. At
any rate, the line is there, and an Eastern Front has been created which Nazi
Germany does not dare assail.'
Knowing that war with Germany was inevitable, the Soviet government was
extremely worried about Leningrad's security, as it was only 32 kilometres from the
Finnish border. On October 14, 1939, Stalin and Molotov sent a memorandum to
the Finnish government about the problem of the defence of Leningrad. The Soviet
Union wished to be able to `block the access to the Gulf of Finland'. It asked of
Finland that it be ceded by lease the Port of Hanko and four islands. To ensure the
defence of Finland, it asked for part of the isthmus of Karelia belonging to Finland.
In exchange, the Soviet Union would offer to Finland part of Soviet Karelia, twice
the size. Encouraged by Germany, Finland refused. On November 30, 1939, the
Soviet Union declared war on Finland. It should be noted that the Finnish leader,
General Mannerheim, had been a leader of the Finnish White forces and had openly
fascist sympathies.
The German-Soviet Pact and the defeat of Finland prepared the conditions for the
Red Army's victory over the Nazis. France and Britain, which had both refused
throughout the thirties a collective security system, were forced into an effective
military alliance with the Soviet Union once Germany broke the German-Soviet
Pact. The Soviet Union was able to advance its defences by 150 to 300 kilometres.
This factor had great influence on the defence of Leningrad and Moscow at the end
of 1941. The Soviet Union won 21 months of peace, allowing it to decisively reinforce
its defence industry and its armed forces. However, the Pact included a number of
objectionable sub clauses like sending numbers of German dissidents that had taken
refuge in the USSR back to Germany. Soviet policy was clearly motivated by clever
real politic rather than ideology or a demonic will to power.
A recent report by the UK Food Commission highlighted the fact that the health of the
children around the world is being put at risk by the aggressive marketing of junk food.
Highlights of the report included the following:
n The food-industry's global advertising budget is $40bn, a figure greater than the
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of 70% of the world's nations.
·n For every $1 spent by the World Health Organization on preventing the diseases
caused by western diets, more than $500 is spent by the food industry promoting these
·n In industrialised countries, food advertising accounts for around half of all advertising
broadcast during children's TV viewing times. Three-quarters of such food adverts
promote high-calorie, low-nutrient foods.
·n For every $100 spent invested in fruit and vegetable production; over $1,000 is being
invested in soft drinks and confectionery.
·n Companies such as KFC, Burger King, McDonald's, Kinder, Mars, Cadbury's,
Nestlé, Coca Cola and Pepsi are criticised in the Food Commission report for targeting
children. The report calls for international controls on the marketing of high-calorie, lownutrient
food to children.
·n Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and Finland do not permit commercial sponsorship of
children’s programs. [3] Sweden and Norway do not permit any television advertising to
be specifically directed to children under 12 and no advertisements are allowed during
children’s programming.
(From an article by John Barry of the Green Party)
Belfast Anti-War Movement
RE: Endorsements for International Day of action against the
occupation of Iraq.
The Belfast Anti-War Movement is calling for support and endorsement of the
International Day of action against the occupation of Iraq.
The occupation, far from bringing peace and stability, has turned into a nightmare for
ordinary Iraqi’s. Every day between 15 and 25 Iraqi civilians are killed. No one is safe. A
TV cameraman was shot because US troops were unable to distinguish between a camera
and a rocket launcher from 50 metres away. A family was gunned down because they
misunderstood a command at a checkpoint. US troops shoot into crowds demonstrating at
the lack of services and basic necessities.
While oil pipelines are supposedly secure, water, electricity and other basic services are
unavailable. Demonstrations occur daily as the Iraqi’s wonder why their supposed
liberators institute curfews and laws preventing them moving about freely in their own
George Bush and Tony Blair lied about the war on Iraq. The Hutton enquiry is exposing
Tony Blair’s lies daily. Neither Bush nor Blair has been able to show a shred of evidence
of Weapons of Mass Destruction. They lied about the reasons for going and now they lie
about what is happening there. While millions of Iraqi’s welcomed the end of Saddam
Hussein, they certainly didn’t want an occupying army, instituting a US friendly regime
with no support locally. The resistance grows daily. Iraq looks increasingly like another
The occupation costs over a billion dollars a week to maintain, while services and jobs
are being cut at home. The millions around the world who marched against the war on
February fifteenth have been proven right. That the war was unjust, unjustified and
illegal. There were no weapons of mass destruction, Saddam, as brutal a dictator as he
was, was not a threat to the region or to the UK or the US. It was a war for oil, and US
dominance in the region.
There will be international days of action against the occupation around the world
between September 25th and 28th. In Evian in Switzerland, at a meeting of the European
Social Movements, it was suggested that Europe’s day of action be Saturday, September
The Belfast Anti-War movement is asking all those who endorsed and participated on the
International Day of Action on February 15th, to endorse and participate on September
27th. There will a rally and march on that day. The rally will, commence at 2pm at the Art
College and will march to City hall, via the US consulate.
In the run-up to September 27th, the IAWM is organizing a series of local meetings to
discuss the Occupations of Iraq & Palestine. These include:
28/08 Madisson‚s Pub, Rathmines; 02/09 Civic Centre, Ballyfermot;
03/09 Parish Centre, Bray 03/09 Phibsboro
04/09 Oakfield Lodge Hotel, Clondalkin 08/09 Dundrum Family Recreation Centre
09/09 Abberley Court Hotel, Tallaght 09/09 Waterford
10/09 Wynn‚s Hotel, Dublin City Centre 16/09 Kingston Hotel, Dun Laoghaire.
For full details of venues, times, speakers contact 087 6329511.
Benefit gig for the Pitstop Ploughshares People up in court for civil disobedience in
Shannon takes place Mother Redcaps, Wed. 3rd Sept - 7:30-11:30. Admission •5 (poor)
or •10 (less poor).
Performers Include... - Donal O‚Kelly (spoken word), - Les Keye (acoustic), - Paul
O‚Toole (contemporary), - Cantori di Aradia (italian duo), - Rúaidhri OEJail Break‚
McAuliffe (acoustic), - Keith & OEThe Truth‚ (electric), Arresting Garda (spoken word)
& more to be announced. Flyers available can be downloaded here
The AGM takes place on Sunday September 28th in Dublin. Paid up members and
affiliated organizations will soon receive an invite along with details of the event. If your
local group is not no the IAWM website but you have affiliated or would like to, then
contact us now on 087 7955013 to ensure that you have voting rights at the AGM.
Anyone needing crèche facilities should let us know asap.
(Aoife Ní Fhearghail Secretary ˆ Irish Anti-War Movement 087 7955013 )
The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia – People’s Army, FARC-EP, and the
National Liberation Army of Colombia, ELN, inform the Colombian and Latin American
people that:
We, the leadership of both organizations, met recently in the mountains of Colombia in
an atmosphere of camaraderie, fraternity and mutual respect, fully agreeing in:
Characterizing the current regime of Uribe Velez as the enemy of peace, a warmonger by
conviction, the generator of misery for the broad national majorities, and a prostitute of
imperialist policy for our peoples and nations.
Because of this character, we confirm that while the illegitimate government of Alvaro
Uribe Velez persists with its fascist and militarist policies, we will not proceed with any
process of political rapprochement and national dialogue.
Nevertheless, we reiterate our commitment to peace and the pursuit of political solutions
to the social and armed conflict that is bleeding our Colombia, and for this aim we will
persist in:
- Pushing forward all the political processes that favour peace with social justice and the
pursuit of political alternatives in opposition to Plan Colombia and the FTAA.
- Confirming the policy of an exchange of the prisoners of war and political detainees
being held by the sides.
- Supporting the struggles of the Colombian people against the disastrous privatisations,
the repression of all just social protest, the cutting of pension rights, the fiscal adjustment
programme, and in defence of the public wealth and national sovereignty.
We call upon the Colombian people and international public opinion to mobilize and
denounce the anti-democratic policies of the current government that aims to cut the few
civil, citizen, democratic and political freedoms, through application of the anti-terrorist
statute, the policy of “Democratic Security”, and the embroiling of the civilian population
in the war.
We reject the Referendum called by the regime for the coming days in order to use it to
strengthen state terrorism, militarist authoritarianism and the surrender of our national
sovereignty. In the face of the present social and political crisis we Colombians are
suffering, we reaffirm that all the democratic, patriotic, revolutionary and guerrilla forces
are compelled to work for the formation and construction of a new democratic and
patriotic government to once and for all face the process of national reconstruction and
unity within a framework of defence of our sovereignty and of the dignity of the national
Committed as we are to make of Colombia a nation that is just for all; we of the FARCEP
and the ELN will persist with renewed strength and revolutionary enthusiasm on the
roads blazed during our 39 years of existence, holding high the banners of unity,
patriotism and anti-imperialism.
For the FARC-EP
The Secretariat of the General Staff
For the ELN
Central Command
Mountains of Colombia, July 13, 2003
Political Status for Republican POWs!
Anti Water Tax Coalition (AWTC)
The Northern Ireland Anti-Poverty Network (NIAPN), Communities Against the Water
Tax (CAWT) and Irish Congress of Trade Unions (ICTU) have come together to form the
Anti Water Tax Coalition (AWTC)
The Anti Water Tax Coalition are holding a public meeting on Saturday 30th August
2003 @ 11:00 am at the Belfast Unemployed Resource Centre, 45/47 Donegall
Street, Belfast.
If you are planning Anti-Water Tax events in your area, let us know!
NIAPN 028 9087 5010,, CAWT 028 9074 9147,
ICTU 028 9024 7940
Ard-Comhairle IRSP 392 Falls Road Belfast 10.30- 5.00pm Saturday
30TH August A/C members and delegates only
Anti- Imperialist Camp in Assisi, Italy.
Sunday to Saturday 31st August to 6th September.
7.30pm Queens Common Room
Monday September 1st
1 College Gardens, Belfast
Robert Emmet
With plans by RTÉ to screen a 'Mint Production' documentary on Robert Emmet on the
anniversary of his execution (ie September 20th) people may be interested to know that a
commemoration to mark the 200th Anniversary of the execution of Robert Emmet will be
held in Dublin on Saturday, September 20th next; the procession will assemble at the
Garden of Remembrance in Parnell Square at 1.30 pm and march to St Catherines Church
in Thomas Street, where those present will be addressed by author Seán Ó Brádaigh.
(From R.S.F.)
International Day of Action Dublin Saturday 27TH September
George Monbiot, a regular feature writer in The Guardian, is the author of Captive State
and The Age of Consent.
The One World Centre, The New Ireland Group and The de Borda Institute have
organised the following events:
1 GEORGE MONBIOT The 2nd One World Centre annual lecture, 12 noon to 2
p.m., Thursday 9th October, Room G07, Peter Frogatt Building, Queen’s
University. Everyone welcome.
Further information available from The One World Centre, 4 Lower Crescent,
Belfast BT7 1NR, Tel 90241879, e-mail
2 GEORGE MONBIOT “Unionism, Nationalism or Globalisation?” 7.30 for
7.45 p.m. on Thursday 9th October, in The Elmwood Hall, Belfast Tickets £5
(concessions £2.50), includes a free glass of organic wine from the Belfast Food Coop.
Tickets and further information available from either The New Ireland Group, 7
Slievedarragh Park, Belfast BT14 8J or The de
Borda Institute, 36 Ballysillan Road, Belfast BT14 7QQ
European Social Forum Paris, St Denis 12-15 November
Comments about the Plough.
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Friday 29 August 2003
Friday 22 August 2003
The Plough Vol 01 No 02
The Plough
-e-mail newsletter of the Irish Republican Socialist Party
Number- 2 Date August 22nd 2003
International Issues
Maghera Memorial Controversy
Sunday World-Sunday Liar
Statement on the 5th Anniversary of the INLA cease-fire by the leadership of the Irish
National Liberation Army
Research on migrant workers
Forthcoming events
Comments on Plough
A recent documentary on the war in the Democratic Republic of Congo broadcasted on
Channel 4 brought light on the deadliest conflict since world war two. Four million
people have been killed in the Congo since 1998. However, the documentary did not
emphasise enough the responsability of Western powers and economic interests in
creating this war.
In May 1997, Laurent Désiré Kabila, a long time Congolese guerilla fighter against
Mobutu's dictatorial and kleptocratic regime took power in the Democratic Republic of
Congo. Soon, Kabila frustrated the Western governments and multinationals' appetite for
'a second scramble for Africa'. As soon as he settled in Kinshasa, Kabila started to
articulate clearly the aspirations of his people and summoning them to take their own
destiny into their own hands, politically and economically. This was perceived by
Western powers and their African allies as a covert declaration of independence. Kabila's
nationalist stance immediately clashed with their interests, as he eventually reviewed all
the contracts he had signed with American and South African mineral companies,
demanded that they pay upfront for decades of future profits and subsequently
nationalised all the mines.
The people of Congo enjoyed a short-lived time of respite during Kabila's first year in
power. They could eat three times a day again as prices of essential commodities
drastically dropped, roads and bridges were repaired, public transport restored, electricity
extended to the suburbs of Kinshasa and people liberated from Mobutu's ill paid soldiers'
ransoming (67 members of the new army who resumed the practice were arrested and
The new currency, the Congolese franc, was launched and the inflation rate dropped from
8.828% in 1993 to 6% in 1997. Embezzlers were thrown into jail. Corruption was
severely combated. All this was achieved in the absence of any help from the IMF and
World Bank who conditioned their financial support to Congo normalising its relations
with the institutions of Bretton Woods and pledging to pay all the debt the old regime
The new government embarked on an ambitious three year programme of national
reconstruction and during the third summit of Comesa (common market community of
central and southern African countries) held in Kinshasa on 29 June 1998, Kabila clearly
outlined what role Congo would play within the common market and in Africa as a
whole.He explained that "more than 40 years of African independence have offered to the
world a sad spectacle of a continent looted and humiliated with the complicity of its own
sons and daughters". He expressed the wish "to see Africa entering the 21st century
totally independent of foreign interference" and declared that the battle for Congo's
independence and sovereignty is fought in the interest of Africa as a whole.
"Our country", he said, "has a vocation of exporting peace, development and security to
the rest of Africa. A weak Congo means a vulnerable Africa from its centre, an Africa
without a heart." The stakes were then raised. America and Britain branded Kabila a
'loose cannon that had to be restrained. But as Colette Braeckman (an expert who is for
Congolese affairs what Robert Fisk is for the Middle East) who reports for the Belgian
daily, Le Soir, wrote in her book, L'enjeu Congolais - l'Afrique Centrale après Mobutu,
this "sudden animosity against Kabila could only be explained by the fact that his
nationalist stance collided with or frustrated their economic interests in CongoåKabila
opposed all forms of investments that did not represent the interests of the people of
Upon Laurent Désiré Kabila's assassination in 2001, Michela Wrong, a former
correspondent for Reuters, BBC and The Financial Times, and author of In the Footsteps
of Mr Kurtz, Living on the Brink of Disaster in the Congo, wrote in the Financial Times:
"Laurent Kabilaåalienated Western powers and African allies in his three-and-half years
in poweråHe was welcomed as a liberator when his rebel forces marched into Kinshasa
in 1997, toppling the late Mobutu Sese Seko, but diplomats and statesmen had come to
view him as a man impossible 'to do business with', a key factor in central Africa's
growing instabilityåThe World Bank and the IMF found him so obstructive, talks on new
aid were abandoned."
Consequently, on 2 August 1998, a Rwandan-Ugandan-Burundian coalition launched a
war of invasion of the Democratic Republic of Congo, logistically supported and
financed by well known Western powers and multinationals, as well as with the
complicity of the so-called Congolese 'rebels'. They are systematically looting Congo's
fauna and flora, natural and mineral resources and destroying or transferring what is left
of Congo's infrastructure to their own countries.
According to Wayne Madsen, an American investigative journalist and intelligence
specialist, author of Genocide and Covert Operations in Africa 1993 - 1999, the US
military has been covertly involved in the war in Congo. Madsen on May 17 2002 told
the US House subcommittee on International Operations and Human Rights, that the US
was using Private Military Contractors (PMCs). Madsen said American companies
including one linked to former President George Bush Snr are stoking the Congo conflict
for monetary gains.
It should be made clear that what is at stake in this war is not some "ethnic conflict"
between "rival tribes", but a fight between a popular nationalist regime and a Westernbacked
invasion force.
Maghera Controversy
The IRSP accused the Northern Ireland Housing Executive of being the political dupes
of the SDLP, DUP and others following the smashing of a monument to two INLA
The monument to Brendan Convery and Gerald Mallon killed in action on the main street
of Dungannon during the 80's was due to be unveiled by IRSP Ard Comhairle member
and ex Blanket Man Paul Little. However at 5 AM on Saturday morning August 16th
MOD contractors from Henry Brothers construction company, supported by almost 200
RUC/PSNI personal turned up at the back of Mc Atamney Crescent and demolished the
plinth for the memorial.
"What price the Good Friday Agreement now?" Said IRSP Ard Comhairle Member and
Chairman of the Memorial committee Terry Harkin.
"Was this agreement not meant to guaranteed "parity of esteem"? Was the GFA not
meant to enshrine the rights of the indigenous Irish to their own cultural identity? That
was what the people were told. When did it change to "everyone has the right to express
their identity except the Irp's and those loyalist groups who are anti agreement?" "There
has always been, for the most part anyway, a tacit agreement between the local
communities not to interfere with how the other side honoured their dead. The murals on
the Shankill to Brian Robinson and his ilk have been largely ignored even though they
can be plainly seen from Nationalist areas, the payment of 10's of thousands of pounds to
the UDA's C Company by a multinational to remove murals from NIHE land went unnoted
as did the NIHE's complacency when the same C Coy: smashed down walls in
Executive property to create the big brother house in a housing black spot. Why were
Henry Brothers and their police escort not brought in to repair the damage or paint out the
murals? There are double standards being applied in Maghera due to the unholy cabal
that has developed between local SDLP representatives and (Box Car) Willie Mc Cray of
the DUP."
"Well, We've a message for both those parties, we do not need their mandate to
commemorate our dead, and before the sun sets on Sunday they may want to take a walk
up to the estate, they'll be surprised, for they'll find a monument to two brave INLA men
who gave their lives fighting for National Liberation and Socialism there." Sure they can
send for their MOD contractors and the Henry's can pull it down one more time, but it
wont go away you know, it'll be back. I would still appeal to them all the same to step
back before they do any serious damage to the community by raising tensions when they
do not need to. Let this memorial stand let the loyalist and republican monuments stand.
let's have parity not parody of esteem.
Unveiling of Convery/Mallon Memorial Plaque
The Unveiling of the Memorial plaque to Brendan Convery and Gerard Mallon took
place on Sunday 17th of August in Maghera.A crowd of several hundred people
followed took part in a march to McAttamny Crescent where the memorial plaque
was unveiled and wreaths laid on behalf of the families of the two dead volunteers
and the various branches of the Republican Socialist movement. Brendan's brother
made a moving and hard hitting speech reminding the audience what the struggle
had been about and that tho' methods may change the struggle continues.
Pol Little speaking on behalf of the IRSP lambasted those in the SDLP who's
protests led to the RUC/PSNI sneaking in at 5.30 in the morning to wreak the
previous memorial. He paid tribute to the Republican Socialists of South Derry who
in the space of 24 hours had rebuild a magnificent tribute to the dead INLA
sunday world-sunday liar.
The Sunday World is a tabloid paper which many people believe sets people up for
assassination. Over 20 people named in the newspaper have died in violent
circumstance. August 17th had an article by Hugh Jordan in which he poured scorn
on the INLA, besmirched the memory of two dead volunteers and defended the Good
Friday Agreement calling it "the only show in town". Some political analysist he is!!!.
The institutions set up under the GFA have failed, having been suspended four times.
Elections due to be called were postponed due to fears that Trimble might lose support
of the majority of Unionists and the British Government has reneged on its part of the
GFA. Sectarianism has incresed massively since the GFA and violence still continues.
God help us if this is the only show in town.Wake up and smell the stench of a rotten
corrupt statelet, Jordan!
An other article written by John Cassidy repeats the lie that "Eddie Copeland, alleged to
be associated with the IRA, and Dark CLoud who is alleged to be associated with the
INLA were banned from" the Shamrock GAA Club. That is a lie as both individuals are
still members of the club and play a prominent part in its social and cultural activities.
Three weeks ago the SW claimed Copeland was dismissed as O/c of the Provos in
Ardoyne and now they claim he is on the Northern Command of the IRA. They forget
their own lies!!
The following statement was received by the Plough from the leadership of the Irish
National Liberation Army on the 5th Anniversary of the INLA ceasefire.
In August 1998 the leadership of the INLA with the full support of the volunteers of the
People’s Army called a ceasefire in response to the will of the Irish people as expressed
through the Referenda on the Good Friday Agreement.
Now five years on it is time to take stock.
Nothing that occurred since then has persuaded us to change our minds on the Good
Friday Agreement. Four suspensions of the Assembly, a massive increase in sectarianism,
the introduction of a neo-liberal economic agenda, the failure of mainstream unionism to
actively accept an equality agenda and continuing direct rule by the British Government
confirms the correctness of our analysis. The Good Friday Agreement is a failed and
flawed agreement. The Northern Ireland State is a failed political entity.
With the increasing disillusionment with in loyalist ranks over the whole so-called peace
process and with whole sections of the UDA rejecting the GFA while the UVF re-arms
now is not the time for any Republicans to be even considering negotiating any arms
surrender. A squalid political deal that exchanges guns for Government was not what the
republican struggle of the past was about. Such a deal is in effect an attempt to hide and
cover up what has been in effect a defeat for Republicanism. Running Stormont
departments does not and will not hide that reality.
However the INLA does not see a return to armed struggle as a viable alternative at this
time. Accordingly we have encouraged our membership and supporters to become
actively involved in the day-to-day struggles of ordinary people. Such political
involvement is following the example of our founder Seamus Costello. A revolutionary
army without a clear base of political understanding and activity is no longer a
revolutionary Army. The INLA is part of and acts in the interests of the Irish working
Five years on from our ceasefire there is still a role for the INLA. We will remain vigilant
in defence of working class communities but we will not take offensive action.
We will assist in resolving disputes within working class communities but we will not
police those communities. The INLA is not a police force and we call on all units of the
INLA to desist from policing communities. It is no part of our role to police the working
class. However we do reserve the right to defend our membership and the most
vulnerable members of our community. It is time to encourage working class
communities to take responsibility for their own lives. We will encourage initiatives that
give some respect and dignity back to communities living in fear from drug dealers and
young disaffected youth. Therefore we encourage all volunteers to actively participate in
a positive manner in daily lives of working class communities. The INLA has no interests
outside the liberation of the working and the establishment of a socialist society.
There are however those who have abused and exploited working class communities. We
warn those who used and abused the name of the INLA within working class
communities to intimidate and extort to desist forthwith. We are aware of individuals
who use our name as a flag of convenience. Your day is done.
To the gutter press who regularly print falsehoods gossip title tattle and lies about this
movement stop. Check your facts with this movement before you go to press.
Five years on the INAL ceasefire is solid. We recognise that the Republican struggle has
to take a new direction and we call on all other republican forces to enter into dialogue
with us and other republicans to discuss the way forward in the new situation we all find
ourselves in.
Now is not the time for the failed strategies and tactics of the past. Now is the time for a
new departure.
Statement on behalf of the leadership of the INLA
Migrant workers in Northern Ireland-Research-Mid Ulster readers please note!!!
The Institute for Conflict Research, an independent research organisation, has been
commissioned by the Office of the First Minister and Deputy First Minister to research
the experiences and needs of migrant workers living in Northern Ireland. A migrant
worker is defined as anyone working in Northern Ireland who is not from the United
Kingdom or Ireland.
The research aims to establish an overview of migrant workers' participation in the
employment market in Northern Ireland. It also seeks to document the variety of
problems that migrant workers may experience in relation to employment rights, pay,
racism, access to health, housing, education and social services. The research will also
examine the standard of service currently provided by statutory agencies to migrant
Versions of the questionnaire are available in English, French and Portuguese. All the
information you provide is anonymous, and will only be used for research purposes.
If anyone there knows of any migrant workers could they please encourage them to help
out with this research by complete the online questionnaire by clicking on web:
For more information, contact Kathryn Bell, Institute for Conflict Research, on tel: 028
9074 2682 or email:
Anti-War Movement- Wyns Hotel Lower Abbey Street Dublin 2.00pm to 5.00PM
Saturday 23rd August IAWM Calls Public Meeting To Decide The Three
Representatives From Ireland To The Nov. 2003 European Social Forum and to
Mobilise Participation in the ESF.
The Irish Anti War Movement (IAWM) sent a representative to the European
Social Forum (ESF) Planning Assembly in Genoa in early July. This gathering
was to continue preparation and plans for the 2nd ESF taking place next
November in Paris. At this meeting: (a) Ireland was allocated a total of
three speakers for the Plenary meetings of the Paris ESF, (b) Ireland was
allocated one representative on a new ESF Working Group which will decide
the final details of the 250 Seminars of November ESF.
The IAWM has called a public meeting for Sat. Aug 23rd 2003, 2pm, Wynns
Hotel, Abbey St., Dublin 1, in order to mobilise people from Ireland to
attend the Paris ESF and to address issues (a) and (b) above. The IAWM has
asked in their invitation that as many groups, organisations and movements
as possible be represented at this public meeting.
Political Status for Republican POWs!
Leafleting to highlight the dirty protest and campaign for political status
in Maghaberry prison. The GAA Football semi-final in Croke Park on Sunday, 24th
August will be leafleted to highlight the POWs campaign. The Minor is at 2pm and Kerry
play Tyrone at 3.30pm.
All interested are asked to come along and give a hand.
Meeting point is the bus stop opposite The Big Tree pub on Dorset Street
1pm. Keep and eye out for a big black banner with the slogan ?Political
Status for Republican POWs?, That'll be us.
Organised by: Na Fianna Eireann and Working Class Action and supported by the IRSP
North East Social Forum One World Centre, Lower Crescent Belfast 7.15pm
Tuesday 26th August Anyone can attend
Ard-Comhairle IRSP 392 Falls Road Belfast 10.30- 5.00pm Saturday
30TH August A/C members and delegates only.
Anti- Imperialist Camp in Assisi, Italy.
Sunday to Saturday 31st August to 6th September .
Programme of the Anti-imperialist Camp 2003 Assisi, Italy, August 31 to
September 6
Sunday, August 31
10 p.m. inauguration concert
Monday, September 1
10.30 am
Forum 1 The true story of the Iraqi Communist Party By Ahmed p.m., leader
of the anti-imperialist opposition within the ICP
Forum 2 The road map and the political military in Palestine Meeting with the
Palestinian delegation (PFLP, Abnaa el Balad, solidarity groups,&)
Forum 3 With Kurdistan In memory of Dino Frisullo, leader of the Italian
solidarity movement
5 am
Round table Trial against the war criminals Liberation movements listed by
US and US as terrorists speak out (Basques, Colombians, Palestinians,
Turkish, Filippinos, Lebanese, &)
10 p.m., theatre
Tuesday, September 2
10.30 am
Forum 1 The Italian youth between commitment and indifference
Forum 2 The empire: a critical analysis of Toni Negris thesis by Costanzo
Forum 3 Meeting with the Lebanese National Resistance
5 p.m.
Round table Beyond Porto Alegre The World Social Forum and the perspectives
of the movement against globalisation with Piero Bernocchi (Italian Cobas
leader), Costanzo Preve, ....
10 p.m. film
Wednesday, September 3
10,30 am
Forum 1 Kidnapping Meeting with the leader of defence of Slobodan Milosevic,
Vladimir Krsljanin
Forum 2 From Venezuela to Brazil: reform and revolution
Forum 3 Cuba: blockade, socialism and democracy
5 p.m. Round table La lucha sigue: Class struggle and anti-imperialism in
Latin America By Elias Letelier (Chile), Mario Maestri (Brazil), ...
10 p.m. Meeting with the Anti-imperialist Poets of America
Thursday, September 4
10.30 am
Forum 1 Revolutionary prisoners: testimonies from Turkey and Israel
Forum 2 Is Maoism still up to date?
Forum 3 Against the imperialist occupation An Iraqi Fedayyin recounts
5 p.m. round table Christianism, Islam, Judaism with Hamza Piccardo (leader of
the Union of Italian Islamic Communities), Shia leader from Lebanon,
Representative of the Franciscans,&
10 p.m. theatre
Friday, September 6
10.30 am
Forum 1 The collapse of the German left: from anti-fascism to Americanism
Forum 2 Without truce: The Basque struggle against Spanish oppression
Militants from Euskal Herria speak out
Forum 3 Intifada, Jihad and Arab nation Meeting with the Arab delegations
from Morocco, Tunisia, Palestine, Lebanon, Iraq&
5 p.m. Round table Waiting for Godot Transatlantic tensions and the future of
10 p.m. theatre
Saturday, September 6
10,30 am
Forum 1 Between persecution and integration: Islam in Italy By the lawyer of
the Islamic communities
Forum 2 The European workers movement and anti-imperialism
Forum 3 Armageddon: religious fundamentalism in the US By Miguel Martinez
5 p.m. Round table For a resistance movement against the American empire what
alternatives to the imperialist transformation of the Western left?
10 p.m. Closing concert of the Camp
Accommodation Fees Anti-imperialist Camp 2003 Assisi, Italy, August 31 -
September 6
Hotel / Bungalow Full Board* E 250
Caravan Full Board*E 200 only night's lodging E 100
Tent Full Board* E 160 only night's lodging ¬ 70
Tent under 25 years Only night's lodging E 50
One day fees Hotel/Bungalow only night's lodging E 25 Caravan only night's
lodging E 16 Tent only night's lodging E 12
One meal voucher E 10
PLEASE NOTE: * Includes lunch and dinner (3 courses). Breakfast is not
For information and reservation please contact the Reception Service at:
registration form
Please note that reservations are only valid upon payment of a deposit of
30% of the total amount to the following Italian bank account: Campo
Antiimperialista account N°: 679/53 bank name: Banca dell'Umbria transfer
codes: ABI: 6235 - CAB: 21800 - SWIFT: CRPG IT 3P
Irish Social Forum Conference Crescent Arts Centre Belfast 10.00 am-5.00pm
Sunday 23rd September .
International Day of Action Dublin Saturday 27TH September
George Monbiot, a regular feature writer in The Guardian, is the author of Captive State
and The Age of Consent.
The One World Centre, The New Ireland Group and The de Borda Institute have
organised the following events:
1 GEORGE MONBIOT The 2nd One World Centre annual lecture, 12 noon to 2
p.m., Thursday 9th October, Room G07, Peter Frogatt Building, Queen’s
University. Everyone welcome.
Further information available from The One World Centre, 4 Lower Crescent,
Belfast BT7 1NR, Tel 90241879, e-mail
2 GEORGE MONBIOT “Unionism, Nationalism or Globalisation?” 7.30 for
7.45 p.m. on Thursday 9th October, in The Elmwood Hall, Belfast Tickets £5
(concessions £2.50), includes a free glass of organic wine from the Belfast Food Coop.
Tickets and further information available from either The New Ireland Group, 7
Slievedarragh Park, Belfast BT14 8J or The de
Borda Institute, 36 Ballysillan Road, Belfast BT14 7QQ
European Social Forum Paris , St Denis 12-15 November
If you have not yet received "The Plough Number 1"Please e-mail "request one" to
Comments about the Plough
"Fantastic newsletter -- good work!"
"Overall good, however what is problematic is the lack of uniformity of
- colour - letter format (I prefer Times New Roman format 12)- space
If the whole newsletter was like the section included on the Assisi camp, it
would be more pleasant to read."
-e-mail newsletter of the Irish Republican Socialist Party
Number- 2 Date August 22nd 2003
International Issues
Maghera Memorial Controversy
Sunday World-Sunday Liar
Statement on the 5th Anniversary of the INLA cease-fire by the leadership of the Irish
National Liberation Army
Research on migrant workers
Forthcoming events
Comments on Plough
A recent documentary on the war in the Democratic Republic of Congo broadcasted on
Channel 4 brought light on the deadliest conflict since world war two. Four million
people have been killed in the Congo since 1998. However, the documentary did not
emphasise enough the responsability of Western powers and economic interests in
creating this war.
In May 1997, Laurent Désiré Kabila, a long time Congolese guerilla fighter against
Mobutu's dictatorial and kleptocratic regime took power in the Democratic Republic of
Congo. Soon, Kabila frustrated the Western governments and multinationals' appetite for
'a second scramble for Africa'. As soon as he settled in Kinshasa, Kabila started to
articulate clearly the aspirations of his people and summoning them to take their own
destiny into their own hands, politically and economically. This was perceived by
Western powers and their African allies as a covert declaration of independence. Kabila's
nationalist stance immediately clashed with their interests, as he eventually reviewed all
the contracts he had signed with American and South African mineral companies,
demanded that they pay upfront for decades of future profits and subsequently
nationalised all the mines.
The people of Congo enjoyed a short-lived time of respite during Kabila's first year in
power. They could eat three times a day again as prices of essential commodities
drastically dropped, roads and bridges were repaired, public transport restored, electricity
extended to the suburbs of Kinshasa and people liberated from Mobutu's ill paid soldiers'
ransoming (67 members of the new army who resumed the practice were arrested and
The new currency, the Congolese franc, was launched and the inflation rate dropped from
8.828% in 1993 to 6% in 1997. Embezzlers were thrown into jail. Corruption was
severely combated. All this was achieved in the absence of any help from the IMF and
World Bank who conditioned their financial support to Congo normalising its relations
with the institutions of Bretton Woods and pledging to pay all the debt the old regime
The new government embarked on an ambitious three year programme of national
reconstruction and during the third summit of Comesa (common market community of
central and southern African countries) held in Kinshasa on 29 June 1998, Kabila clearly
outlined what role Congo would play within the common market and in Africa as a
whole.He explained that "more than 40 years of African independence have offered to the
world a sad spectacle of a continent looted and humiliated with the complicity of its own
sons and daughters". He expressed the wish "to see Africa entering the 21st century
totally independent of foreign interference" and declared that the battle for Congo's
independence and sovereignty is fought in the interest of Africa as a whole.
"Our country", he said, "has a vocation of exporting peace, development and security to
the rest of Africa. A weak Congo means a vulnerable Africa from its centre, an Africa
without a heart." The stakes were then raised. America and Britain branded Kabila a
'loose cannon that had to be restrained. But as Colette Braeckman (an expert who is for
Congolese affairs what Robert Fisk is for the Middle East) who reports for the Belgian
daily, Le Soir, wrote in her book, L'enjeu Congolais - l'Afrique Centrale après Mobutu,
this "sudden animosity against Kabila could only be explained by the fact that his
nationalist stance collided with or frustrated their economic interests in CongoåKabila
opposed all forms of investments that did not represent the interests of the people of
Upon Laurent Désiré Kabila's assassination in 2001, Michela Wrong, a former
correspondent for Reuters, BBC and The Financial Times, and author of In the Footsteps
of Mr Kurtz, Living on the Brink of Disaster in the Congo, wrote in the Financial Times:
"Laurent Kabilaåalienated Western powers and African allies in his three-and-half years
in poweråHe was welcomed as a liberator when his rebel forces marched into Kinshasa
in 1997, toppling the late Mobutu Sese Seko, but diplomats and statesmen had come to
view him as a man impossible 'to do business with', a key factor in central Africa's
growing instabilityåThe World Bank and the IMF found him so obstructive, talks on new
aid were abandoned."
Consequently, on 2 August 1998, a Rwandan-Ugandan-Burundian coalition launched a
war of invasion of the Democratic Republic of Congo, logistically supported and
financed by well known Western powers and multinationals, as well as with the
complicity of the so-called Congolese 'rebels'. They are systematically looting Congo's
fauna and flora, natural and mineral resources and destroying or transferring what is left
of Congo's infrastructure to their own countries.
According to Wayne Madsen, an American investigative journalist and intelligence
specialist, author of Genocide and Covert Operations in Africa 1993 - 1999, the US
military has been covertly involved in the war in Congo. Madsen on May 17 2002 told
the US House subcommittee on International Operations and Human Rights, that the US
was using Private Military Contractors (PMCs). Madsen said American companies
including one linked to former President George Bush Snr are stoking the Congo conflict
for monetary gains.
It should be made clear that what is at stake in this war is not some "ethnic conflict"
between "rival tribes", but a fight between a popular nationalist regime and a Westernbacked
invasion force.
Maghera Controversy
The IRSP accused the Northern Ireland Housing Executive of being the political dupes
of the SDLP, DUP and others following the smashing of a monument to two INLA
The monument to Brendan Convery and Gerald Mallon killed in action on the main street
of Dungannon during the 80's was due to be unveiled by IRSP Ard Comhairle member
and ex Blanket Man Paul Little. However at 5 AM on Saturday morning August 16th
MOD contractors from Henry Brothers construction company, supported by almost 200
RUC/PSNI personal turned up at the back of Mc Atamney Crescent and demolished the
plinth for the memorial.
"What price the Good Friday Agreement now?" Said IRSP Ard Comhairle Member and
Chairman of the Memorial committee Terry Harkin.
"Was this agreement not meant to guaranteed "parity of esteem"? Was the GFA not
meant to enshrine the rights of the indigenous Irish to their own cultural identity? That
was what the people were told. When did it change to "everyone has the right to express
their identity except the Irp's and those loyalist groups who are anti agreement?" "There
has always been, for the most part anyway, a tacit agreement between the local
communities not to interfere with how the other side honoured their dead. The murals on
the Shankill to Brian Robinson and his ilk have been largely ignored even though they
can be plainly seen from Nationalist areas, the payment of 10's of thousands of pounds to
the UDA's C Company by a multinational to remove murals from NIHE land went unnoted
as did the NIHE's complacency when the same C Coy: smashed down walls in
Executive property to create the big brother house in a housing black spot. Why were
Henry Brothers and their police escort not brought in to repair the damage or paint out the
murals? There are double standards being applied in Maghera due to the unholy cabal
that has developed between local SDLP representatives and (Box Car) Willie Mc Cray of
the DUP."
"Well, We've a message for both those parties, we do not need their mandate to
commemorate our dead, and before the sun sets on Sunday they may want to take a walk
up to the estate, they'll be surprised, for they'll find a monument to two brave INLA men
who gave their lives fighting for National Liberation and Socialism there." Sure they can
send for their MOD contractors and the Henry's can pull it down one more time, but it
wont go away you know, it'll be back. I would still appeal to them all the same to step
back before they do any serious damage to the community by raising tensions when they
do not need to. Let this memorial stand let the loyalist and republican monuments stand.
let's have parity not parody of esteem.
Unveiling of Convery/Mallon Memorial Plaque
The Unveiling of the Memorial plaque to Brendan Convery and Gerard Mallon took
place on Sunday 17th of August in Maghera.A crowd of several hundred people
followed took part in a march to McAttamny Crescent where the memorial plaque
was unveiled and wreaths laid on behalf of the families of the two dead volunteers
and the various branches of the Republican Socialist movement. Brendan's brother
made a moving and hard hitting speech reminding the audience what the struggle
had been about and that tho' methods may change the struggle continues.
Pol Little speaking on behalf of the IRSP lambasted those in the SDLP who's
protests led to the RUC/PSNI sneaking in at 5.30 in the morning to wreak the
previous memorial. He paid tribute to the Republican Socialists of South Derry who
in the space of 24 hours had rebuild a magnificent tribute to the dead INLA
sunday world-sunday liar.
The Sunday World is a tabloid paper which many people believe sets people up for
assassination. Over 20 people named in the newspaper have died in violent
circumstance. August 17th had an article by Hugh Jordan in which he poured scorn
on the INLA, besmirched the memory of two dead volunteers and defended the Good
Friday Agreement calling it "the only show in town". Some political analysist he is!!!.
The institutions set up under the GFA have failed, having been suspended four times.
Elections due to be called were postponed due to fears that Trimble might lose support
of the majority of Unionists and the British Government has reneged on its part of the
GFA. Sectarianism has incresed massively since the GFA and violence still continues.
God help us if this is the only show in town.Wake up and smell the stench of a rotten
corrupt statelet, Jordan!
An other article written by John Cassidy repeats the lie that "Eddie Copeland, alleged to
be associated with the IRA, and Dark CLoud who is alleged to be associated with the
INLA were banned from" the Shamrock GAA Club. That is a lie as both individuals are
still members of the club and play a prominent part in its social and cultural activities.
Three weeks ago the SW claimed Copeland was dismissed as O/c of the Provos in
Ardoyne and now they claim he is on the Northern Command of the IRA. They forget
their own lies!!
The following statement was received by the Plough from the leadership of the Irish
National Liberation Army on the 5th Anniversary of the INLA ceasefire.
In August 1998 the leadership of the INLA with the full support of the volunteers of the
People’s Army called a ceasefire in response to the will of the Irish people as expressed
through the Referenda on the Good Friday Agreement.
Now five years on it is time to take stock.
Nothing that occurred since then has persuaded us to change our minds on the Good
Friday Agreement. Four suspensions of the Assembly, a massive increase in sectarianism,
the introduction of a neo-liberal economic agenda, the failure of mainstream unionism to
actively accept an equality agenda and continuing direct rule by the British Government
confirms the correctness of our analysis. The Good Friday Agreement is a failed and
flawed agreement. The Northern Ireland State is a failed political entity.
With the increasing disillusionment with in loyalist ranks over the whole so-called peace
process and with whole sections of the UDA rejecting the GFA while the UVF re-arms
now is not the time for any Republicans to be even considering negotiating any arms
surrender. A squalid political deal that exchanges guns for Government was not what the
republican struggle of the past was about. Such a deal is in effect an attempt to hide and
cover up what has been in effect a defeat for Republicanism. Running Stormont
departments does not and will not hide that reality.
However the INLA does not see a return to armed struggle as a viable alternative at this
time. Accordingly we have encouraged our membership and supporters to become
actively involved in the day-to-day struggles of ordinary people. Such political
involvement is following the example of our founder Seamus Costello. A revolutionary
army without a clear base of political understanding and activity is no longer a
revolutionary Army. The INLA is part of and acts in the interests of the Irish working
Five years on from our ceasefire there is still a role for the INLA. We will remain vigilant
in defence of working class communities but we will not take offensive action.
We will assist in resolving disputes within working class communities but we will not
police those communities. The INLA is not a police force and we call on all units of the
INLA to desist from policing communities. It is no part of our role to police the working
class. However we do reserve the right to defend our membership and the most
vulnerable members of our community. It is time to encourage working class
communities to take responsibility for their own lives. We will encourage initiatives that
give some respect and dignity back to communities living in fear from drug dealers and
young disaffected youth. Therefore we encourage all volunteers to actively participate in
a positive manner in daily lives of working class communities. The INLA has no interests
outside the liberation of the working and the establishment of a socialist society.
There are however those who have abused and exploited working class communities. We
warn those who used and abused the name of the INLA within working class
communities to intimidate and extort to desist forthwith. We are aware of individuals
who use our name as a flag of convenience. Your day is done.
To the gutter press who regularly print falsehoods gossip title tattle and lies about this
movement stop. Check your facts with this movement before you go to press.
Five years on the INAL ceasefire is solid. We recognise that the Republican struggle has
to take a new direction and we call on all other republican forces to enter into dialogue
with us and other republicans to discuss the way forward in the new situation we all find
ourselves in.
Now is not the time for the failed strategies and tactics of the past. Now is the time for a
new departure.
Statement on behalf of the leadership of the INLA
Migrant workers in Northern Ireland-Research-Mid Ulster readers please note!!!
The Institute for Conflict Research, an independent research organisation, has been
commissioned by the Office of the First Minister and Deputy First Minister to research
the experiences and needs of migrant workers living in Northern Ireland. A migrant
worker is defined as anyone working in Northern Ireland who is not from the United
Kingdom or Ireland.
The research aims to establish an overview of migrant workers' participation in the
employment market in Northern Ireland. It also seeks to document the variety of
problems that migrant workers may experience in relation to employment rights, pay,
racism, access to health, housing, education and social services. The research will also
examine the standard of service currently provided by statutory agencies to migrant
Versions of the questionnaire are available in English, French and Portuguese. All the
information you provide is anonymous, and will only be used for research purposes.
If anyone there knows of any migrant workers could they please encourage them to help
out with this research by complete the online questionnaire by clicking on web:
For more information, contact Kathryn Bell, Institute for Conflict Research, on tel: 028
9074 2682 or email:
Anti-War Movement- Wyns Hotel Lower Abbey Street Dublin 2.00pm to 5.00PM
Saturday 23rd August IAWM Calls Public Meeting To Decide The Three
Representatives From Ireland To The Nov. 2003 European Social Forum and to
Mobilise Participation in the ESF.
The Irish Anti War Movement (IAWM) sent a representative to the European
Social Forum (ESF) Planning Assembly in Genoa in early July. This gathering
was to continue preparation and plans for the 2nd ESF taking place next
November in Paris. At this meeting: (a) Ireland was allocated a total of
three speakers for the Plenary meetings of the Paris ESF, (b) Ireland was
allocated one representative on a new ESF Working Group which will decide
the final details of the 250 Seminars of November ESF.
The IAWM has called a public meeting for Sat. Aug 23rd 2003, 2pm, Wynns
Hotel, Abbey St., Dublin 1, in order to mobilise people from Ireland to
attend the Paris ESF and to address issues (a) and (b) above. The IAWM has
asked in their invitation that as many groups, organisations and movements
as possible be represented at this public meeting.
Political Status for Republican POWs!
Leafleting to highlight the dirty protest and campaign for political status
in Maghaberry prison. The GAA Football semi-final in Croke Park on Sunday, 24th
August will be leafleted to highlight the POWs campaign. The Minor is at 2pm and Kerry
play Tyrone at 3.30pm.
All interested are asked to come along and give a hand.
Meeting point is the bus stop opposite The Big Tree pub on Dorset Street
1pm. Keep and eye out for a big black banner with the slogan ?Political
Status for Republican POWs?, That'll be us.
Organised by: Na Fianna Eireann and Working Class Action and supported by the IRSP
North East Social Forum One World Centre, Lower Crescent Belfast 7.15pm
Tuesday 26th August Anyone can attend
Ard-Comhairle IRSP 392 Falls Road Belfast 10.30- 5.00pm Saturday
30TH August A/C members and delegates only.
Anti- Imperialist Camp in Assisi, Italy.
Sunday to Saturday 31st August to 6th September .
Programme of the Anti-imperialist Camp 2003 Assisi, Italy, August 31 to
September 6
Sunday, August 31
10 p.m. inauguration concert
Monday, September 1
10.30 am
Forum 1 The true story of the Iraqi Communist Party By Ahmed p.m., leader
of the anti-imperialist opposition within the ICP
Forum 2 The road map and the political military in Palestine Meeting with the
Palestinian delegation (PFLP, Abnaa el Balad, solidarity groups,&)
Forum 3 With Kurdistan In memory of Dino Frisullo, leader of the Italian
solidarity movement
5 am
Round table Trial against the war criminals Liberation movements listed by
US and US as terrorists speak out (Basques, Colombians, Palestinians,
Turkish, Filippinos, Lebanese, &)
10 p.m., theatre
Tuesday, September 2
10.30 am
Forum 1 The Italian youth between commitment and indifference
Forum 2 The empire: a critical analysis of Toni Negris thesis by Costanzo
Forum 3 Meeting with the Lebanese National Resistance
5 p.m.
Round table Beyond Porto Alegre The World Social Forum and the perspectives
of the movement against globalisation with Piero Bernocchi (Italian Cobas
leader), Costanzo Preve, ....
10 p.m. film
Wednesday, September 3
10,30 am
Forum 1 Kidnapping Meeting with the leader of defence of Slobodan Milosevic,
Vladimir Krsljanin
Forum 2 From Venezuela to Brazil: reform and revolution
Forum 3 Cuba: blockade, socialism and democracy
5 p.m. Round table La lucha sigue: Class struggle and anti-imperialism in
Latin America By Elias Letelier (Chile), Mario Maestri (Brazil), ...
10 p.m. Meeting with the Anti-imperialist Poets of America
Thursday, September 4
10.30 am
Forum 1 Revolutionary prisoners: testimonies from Turkey and Israel
Forum 2 Is Maoism still up to date?
Forum 3 Against the imperialist occupation An Iraqi Fedayyin recounts
5 p.m. round table Christianism, Islam, Judaism with Hamza Piccardo (leader of
the Union of Italian Islamic Communities), Shia leader from Lebanon,
Representative of the Franciscans,&
10 p.m. theatre
Friday, September 6
10.30 am
Forum 1 The collapse of the German left: from anti-fascism to Americanism
Forum 2 Without truce: The Basque struggle against Spanish oppression
Militants from Euskal Herria speak out
Forum 3 Intifada, Jihad and Arab nation Meeting with the Arab delegations
from Morocco, Tunisia, Palestine, Lebanon, Iraq&
5 p.m. Round table Waiting for Godot Transatlantic tensions and the future of
10 p.m. theatre
Saturday, September 6
10,30 am
Forum 1 Between persecution and integration: Islam in Italy By the lawyer of
the Islamic communities
Forum 2 The European workers movement and anti-imperialism
Forum 3 Armageddon: religious fundamentalism in the US By Miguel Martinez
5 p.m. Round table For a resistance movement against the American empire what
alternatives to the imperialist transformation of the Western left?
10 p.m. Closing concert of the Camp
Accommodation Fees Anti-imperialist Camp 2003 Assisi, Italy, August 31 -
September 6
Hotel / Bungalow Full Board* E 250
Caravan Full Board*E 200 only night's lodging E 100
Tent Full Board* E 160 only night's lodging ¬ 70
Tent under 25 years Only night's lodging E 50
One day fees Hotel/Bungalow only night's lodging E 25 Caravan only night's
lodging E 16 Tent only night's lodging E 12
One meal voucher E 10
PLEASE NOTE: * Includes lunch and dinner (3 courses). Breakfast is not
For information and reservation please contact the Reception Service at:
registration form
Please note that reservations are only valid upon payment of a deposit of
30% of the total amount to the following Italian bank account: Campo
Antiimperialista account N°: 679/53 bank name: Banca dell'Umbria transfer
codes: ABI: 6235 - CAB: 21800 - SWIFT: CRPG IT 3P
Irish Social Forum Conference Crescent Arts Centre Belfast 10.00 am-5.00pm
Sunday 23rd September .
International Day of Action Dublin Saturday 27TH September
George Monbiot, a regular feature writer in The Guardian, is the author of Captive State
and The Age of Consent.
The One World Centre, The New Ireland Group and The de Borda Institute have
organised the following events:
1 GEORGE MONBIOT The 2nd One World Centre annual lecture, 12 noon to 2
p.m., Thursday 9th October, Room G07, Peter Frogatt Building, Queen’s
University. Everyone welcome.
Further information available from The One World Centre, 4 Lower Crescent,
Belfast BT7 1NR, Tel 90241879, e-mail
2 GEORGE MONBIOT “Unionism, Nationalism or Globalisation?” 7.30 for
7.45 p.m. on Thursday 9th October, in The Elmwood Hall, Belfast Tickets £5
(concessions £2.50), includes a free glass of organic wine from the Belfast Food Coop.
Tickets and further information available from either The New Ireland Group, 7
Slievedarragh Park, Belfast BT14 8J or The de
Borda Institute, 36 Ballysillan Road, Belfast BT14 7QQ
European Social Forum Paris , St Denis 12-15 November
If you have not yet received "The Plough Number 1"Please e-mail "request one" to
Comments about the Plough
"Fantastic newsletter -- good work!"
"Overall good, however what is problematic is the lack of uniformity of
- colour - letter format (I prefer Times New Roman format 12)- space
If the whole newsletter was like the section included on the Assisi camp, it
would be more pleasant to read."
Friday 15 August 2003
The Plough Vol 01 No 01
The Plough
-e-mail newsletter of the Irish Republican Socialist Party
Number One -August 15th 2003
The failure of socialism? the failure of capitalism!!
Far from making the world a better place, the end of really existing socialism has
represented a disaster of massive proportions and a gigantic social regression. A brief
glance at some facts and figures included in the UN Report on Human Development will
irrefutably prove that all indicators of social developments have dramatically regressed
since the end of communism. Today, Russia's GDP remains almost 30 percent below
what it was in 1990. At 4 percent growth per annum, it will take Russia's economy
another decade to get back where it was when communism collapsed. By the late 1990s,
national income in the ex-USSR had fallen by more than 50 percent (compare that with
the 27 percent drop in output during the great American depression), investment by 80
percent, real wages by 50 percent, and dairy herds by 75 percent. Indeed, the degradation
of agriculture is in some respects worse even than during Stalin's collectivisation of the
countryside during the 1930s. The numbers living below the poverty line in the former
Soviet republics has risen from 14m in 1989 (2 percent of population) to 147m in 1998
(over 40 percent of the population), even before that year's financial crash. The market
experiment has produced more orphans than Russia's 20 million plus war time casualties,
while epidemics of cholera and typhus (eradicated under Stalin) have re-emerged,
millions of children suffer from malnutrition and adult life expectancy has dramatically
plunged. To this must also be added an explosion of crime, ethnic violence and
Now, let's examine the malevolent Maoist regime. About the time of the Communist
revolution (1952 data), the average Chinese lived essentially on half a kilogram of rice or
grains a day, and consumed rather less than 0.08 kilos of tea a year. He or she acquired a
pair of foot wear once every five years or so. At the end of the Mao period, the average
Chinese food consumption (in calories) ranked just above the median of all countries,
above 14 countries in the Americas, 38 in Africa, and just about in the middle of the
Asian ones, well above South and South East Asia, except Malaysia and Singapore.
Average life expectancy rose from 35 in 1949 to 68 in 1982. In the year of Mao's death,
six times as many children went to school as when he came to power. (figures quoted
from Eric Hobsbawm, Ages of Extreme, p.470) With the introduction of capitalism, all
those achievements are now endangered. The private sector's share of industrial output
grew from 2 percent in 1985 to 24 percent in 1995 to 35 percent today. If agricultural
companies are included in the private sector, then the World Bank estimates this sector at
51 percent of the economy. The social consequences have been nefarious. China's income
inequality is now similar to that of the USA and is greater than that of India. The richest
20 percent of urban households receive 44 percent of total urban income, the poorest 20
percent receive 6.5 percent. If the Chinese regime goes the same way the USSR did, the
social regression will happen in a far greater scale than what happened in former Soviet
By Liam O'Ruaric (adapted from a letter to the Irish News)
Forthcoming Political Events.
Events in support of the campaign for segregation in Maghaberry Gaol.
The IRSP fully support the right of the Republican prisoners in Maghaberry
to segregation. We clearly recognise that they are political prisoners
involved in a legitimate form of protest within the jail. We call on all
political activists and former prisoners to come out on demonstrations in
support of the call for segregation no matter who calls those
The IRSP support the establishment of a broad based committee comprising
representatives of all republican groups and other supporters to take up the
demand for segregation. The history of the H- block mass struggles during
the 81 hunger strikes show what can be achieved by a unified campaign
drawing support from a wide base. Such support for the prisoners should not
be seen as an endorsement for the continuation of armed struggle by
Republican groups. We are very clear about the futility of the continuation
of armed actions at this time. It is clear that the vast majority of
Republicans as well as the vast majority of the Irish people reject armed
struggle as a current tactic. We urge other Republicans to take the
political road.
Picket- Na Fianna Eireann Dublin Dame Street 12.30-2.00 Saturday
August 16th
IRPWA meeting in Castlewellan 2.30 Saturday 16th August
Memorial unveiling in Tamney Crescent housing estate Maghera at 3.00pm
Sunday 17th August organised by the Republican Socialist ex-prisoners
memorial committee in honour of Brendan Convery and Gerard Mallon.
Anti-War Movement- Wyns Hotel Lower Abbey Street Dublin 2.00pm to 5.00PM
Saturday 23rd August IAWM Calls Public Meeting To Decide The Three
Representatives From Ireland To The Nov. 2003 European Social Forum and to
Mobilise Participation in the ESF.
The Irish Anti War Movement (IAWM) sent a representative to the European
Social Forum (ESF) Planning Assembly in Genoa in early July. This gathering
was to continue preparation and plans for the 2nd ESF taking place next
November in Paris. At this meeting: (a) Ireland was allocated a total of
three speakers for the Plenary meetings of the Paris ESF, (b) Ireland was
allocated one representative on a new ESF Working Group which will decide
the final details of the 250 Seminars of November ESF.
The IAWM has called a public meeting for Sat. Aug 23rd 2003, 2pm, Wynns
Hotel, Abbey St., Dublin 1, in order to mobilise people from Ireland to
attend the Paris ESF and to address issues (a) and (b) above. The IAWM has
asked in their invitation that as many groups, organisations and movements
as possible be represented at this public meeting.
North East Social Forum One World Centre, Lower Crescent Belfast 7.15pm
Tuesday 26th August Anyone can attend
Ard-Comhairle IRSP 392 Falls Road Belfast 10.30- 5.00pm Saturday
30TH August A/C members and delegates only
Anti- Imperialist Camp in Assisi, Italy Sunday to Saturday 31st August
to 6th September .
Programme of the Anti-imperialist Camp 2003 Assisi, Italy, August 31 to
September 6
Sunday, August 31
10 pm inauguration concert
Monday, September 1
10.30 am
Forum 1 The true story of the Iraqi Communist Party By Ahmed Karim, leader
of the anti-imperialist opposition within the ICP
Forum 2 The road mapand the political military in Palestine Meeting with the
Palestinian delegation (PFLP, Abnaa el Balad, solidarity groups,&)
Forum 3 With Kurdistan In memory of Dino Frisullo, leader of the Italian
solidarity movement
5 am
Round table Trial against the war criminals Liberation movements listed by
US and US as terrorists speak out (Basques, Colombians, Palestinians,
Turkish, Filippinos, Lebanese, &)
10 pm, theater
Tuesday, September 2
10.30 am
Forum 1 The Italian youth between commitment and indifference
Forum 2 The empire: a critical anaysis of Toni Negris thesis by Costanzo
Forum 3 Meeting with the Lebanese National Resistance
5 pm
Round table Beyond Porto Alegre The World Social Forum and the perspectives
of the movement against globalisation with Piero Bernocchi (Italian Cobas
leader), Costanzo Preve, ....
10 pm film
Wednesday, September 3
10,30 am
Forum 1 Kidnapping Meeting with the leader of defence of Slobodan Milosevic,
Vladimir Krsljanin
Forum 2 From Venezuela to Brazil: reform and revolution
Forum 3 Cuba: blockade, socialism and democracy
5 pm Round table La lucha sigue: Class struggle and anti-imperialism in
Latin America By Elias Letelier (Chile), Mario Maestri (Brazil), ...
10 pm Meeting with the Anti-imperialist Poets of America
Thursday, September 4
10.30 am
Forum 1 Revolutionary prisoners: testimonies from Turkey and Israel
Forum 2 Is Maoism still up to date?
Forum 3 Against the imperialist occupation An Iraqi Fedayyin recounts
5 pm round table Christianism, Islam, Judaism with Hamza Piccardo (leader of
the Union of Italian Islamic Communities), Shia leader from Lebanon,
Representative of the Franciscans,&
10 pm theatre
Friday, September 6
10.30 am
Forum 1 The collapse of the German left: from anti-fascism to Americanism
Forum 2 Without truce: The Basque struggle against Spanish oppression
Militants from Euskal Herria speak out
Forum 3 Intifada, Jihad and Arab nation Meeting with the Arab delegations
from Morocco, Tunisia, Palestine, Lebanon, Iraq&
5 pm Round table Waiting for Godot Transatlantic tensions and the future of
10 pm theatre
Saturday, September 6
10,30 am
Forum 1 Between persecution and integration: Islam in Italy By the lawyer of
the Islamic communities
Forum 2 The European workersmovement and anti-imperialism
Forum 3 Armageddon: religious fundamentalism in the US By Miguel Martinez
5 pm Round table For a resistance movement against the American empire what
alternatives to the imperialist transformation of the Western left?
10 pm Closing concert of the Camp
Accommodation Fees Anti-imperialist Camp 2003 Assisi, Italy, August 31 -
September 6
Hotel / Bungalow Full Board* E 250
Caravan Full Board*E 200 only night's lodging E 100
Tent Full Board* E 160 only night's lodging ¬ 70
Tent under 25 years Only night's lodging E 50
One day fees Hotel/Bungalow only night's lodging E 25 Caravan only night's
lodging E 16 Tent only night's lodging E 12
One meal voucher E 10
PLEASE NOTE: * Includes lunch and dinner (3 courses). Breakfast is not
For information and reservation please contact the Reception Service at:
registration form
Please note that reservations are only valid upon payment of a deposit of
30% of the total amount to the following Italian bank account: Campo
Antiimperialista account N°: 679/53 bank name: Banca dell'Umbria transfer
codes: ABI: 6235 - CAB: 21800 - SWIFT: CRPG IT 3P
Irish Social Forum Conference Crescent Arts Centre Belfast 10.00 am-5.00pm
Sunday 23rd September .
International Day of Action Dublin Saturday 27TH September
European Social Forum Paris , St Denis 12-15 November
Here is one reason why!!
Coca-Cola's 'toxic' India fertiliser
Waste product from a Coca-Cola plant in India which the company provides as
fertiliser for local farmers contains toxic chemicals, a BBC study has
found. Dangerous levels of the known carcinogen cadmium have been found in
the sludge produced from the plant in the southern state of Kerala. The
chemicals were traced in an investigation by BBC Radio 4's Face The Facts
programme and prompted scientists to call for the practice to be halted
immediately. However, Vice-President of Coca-Cola in India, Sunil Gupta,
denied the fertiliser posed any risk. "We have scientific evidence to prove
it is absolutely safe and we have never had any complaints," Mr Gupta said.
Face The Facts presenter John Waite visited the plant following complaints
from villagers that water supplies were drying up because of the massive
quantities of water required by Coca-Cola. Villagers, politicians,
environmentalists and scientists have accused the firm of robbing the
community of the area's most precious resource. They say the area's farming
industry has been devastated and jobs, as well as the health of local
people, have been put at risk.
'Disturbing' As part of the probe, Face The Facts sent sludge samples to the
UK for examination at the University of Exeter.
Tests revealed the material was useless as a fertiliser and contained a
number of toxic metals, including cadmium and lead. The lab's senior
scientist, David Santillo, said: "What is particularly disturbing is that
the contamination has spread to the water supply - with levels of lead in a
nearby well at levels well above those set by the World Health
Organisation." According to Britain's leading poisons expert, Professor John
Henry, consultant at St Mary's Hospital in London, immediate steps should be
taken by the authorities in India to ban the practice immediately. The
levels of toxins found in the samples would, he said, cause serious problems
- polluting the land, local water supplies and the food chain. "The results
have devastating consequences for those living near the areas where this
waste has been dumped and for the thousands who depend on crops produced in
these fields," Professor Henry said.
'Good for crops' Cadmium is a carcinogen and can accumulate in the kidneys,
with repeated exposure possibly causing kidney failure.
Lead is particularly dangerous to children and the results of exposure can
be fatal. Even at low levels it can cause mental retardation and severe
anaemia. Professor Henry said: "What most worries me about the levels found
is how this might be affecting pregnant women in the area. You would expect
to see an increase in miscarriages, still births and premature deliveries."
Mr Gupta said local farmers had been grateful for the fertiliser because
many could not afford brand-name products of their own. "It's good for
crops," he said. "It's good for the farmers because most of them are poor
and they have been using this for the past three years." Coca-Cola say they
will continue to supply the sludge to farmers.
Story from BBC NEWS: Published:
2003/07/25 17:51:55 GMT
The 26 County state, has the second highest level of poverty in the western world, second
only to the
US. according to the report "The UN's 'Human Development Report' published in July.
The neo liberal economic agenda and right-wing policies of the present British and Irish
Governments has only accelerated the ever widening gap between rich and poor, whilst
steadily running down essential public services such as health, education and public
. Connolly said that if you hoisted a green flag above Dublin Castle, unless you
established the Socialist Republic, your efforts would be in vain. The IRSP would
say that if you print NHS documents in the Irish language, unless you put public
health before private profit and take profit out of illness, your efforts will be in vain.
If you are sick, or injured, your prospects for speedy effective treatment and
recovery depend on where you live and how much you earn. The lower you are on
the social ladder the unhealthier you will be and the shorter will be your life
expectancy. If you are in a low income group you are more likely to suffer from lung
cancer, coronary heart disease, stroke, respiratory disease, obesity and violent
accidents; your birth weight will be lower, your diet will be poorer and your life
expectancy will be five years shorter than those in upper income groups. It should
not be so. Good health is a right, not a privilege, or it should be. Access to treatment
and care should be equally available to all.
The IRSP demands
- a graduated income tax, and levy a profits tax upon the pharmaceutical
industry, which will be used to finance research and development within the NHS
and Free State health system, especially in preventative health
care and medicine
- a regulation of the prices charged by multinational drug companies to the NHS
and ROI health system.
- the abolition of all prescription charges and dental charges. If the government
has money to go to war and maintain bases in South Armagh, it should have money
to pay for those health charges.
- that all parts of the health care system, including private hospitals and clinics
be brought under public control.
- opposition to PFI, because health treatment is given on the basis of whether it
is profitable or not, and not on the basis of needs.
- opposition to privatisation.
To unsubscribe to the Plough please send e-mail entitled unsubscribe to
-e-mail newsletter of the Irish Republican Socialist Party
Number One -August 15th 2003
The failure of socialism? the failure of capitalism!!
Far from making the world a better place, the end of really existing socialism has
represented a disaster of massive proportions and a gigantic social regression. A brief
glance at some facts and figures included in the UN Report on Human Development will
irrefutably prove that all indicators of social developments have dramatically regressed
since the end of communism. Today, Russia's GDP remains almost 30 percent below
what it was in 1990. At 4 percent growth per annum, it will take Russia's economy
another decade to get back where it was when communism collapsed. By the late 1990s,
national income in the ex-USSR had fallen by more than 50 percent (compare that with
the 27 percent drop in output during the great American depression), investment by 80
percent, real wages by 50 percent, and dairy herds by 75 percent. Indeed, the degradation
of agriculture is in some respects worse even than during Stalin's collectivisation of the
countryside during the 1930s. The numbers living below the poverty line in the former
Soviet republics has risen from 14m in 1989 (2 percent of population) to 147m in 1998
(over 40 percent of the population), even before that year's financial crash. The market
experiment has produced more orphans than Russia's 20 million plus war time casualties,
while epidemics of cholera and typhus (eradicated under Stalin) have re-emerged,
millions of children suffer from malnutrition and adult life expectancy has dramatically
plunged. To this must also be added an explosion of crime, ethnic violence and
Now, let's examine the malevolent Maoist regime. About the time of the Communist
revolution (1952 data), the average Chinese lived essentially on half a kilogram of rice or
grains a day, and consumed rather less than 0.08 kilos of tea a year. He or she acquired a
pair of foot wear once every five years or so. At the end of the Mao period, the average
Chinese food consumption (in calories) ranked just above the median of all countries,
above 14 countries in the Americas, 38 in Africa, and just about in the middle of the
Asian ones, well above South and South East Asia, except Malaysia and Singapore.
Average life expectancy rose from 35 in 1949 to 68 in 1982. In the year of Mao's death,
six times as many children went to school as when he came to power. (figures quoted
from Eric Hobsbawm, Ages of Extreme, p.470) With the introduction of capitalism, all
those achievements are now endangered. The private sector's share of industrial output
grew from 2 percent in 1985 to 24 percent in 1995 to 35 percent today. If agricultural
companies are included in the private sector, then the World Bank estimates this sector at
51 percent of the economy. The social consequences have been nefarious. China's income
inequality is now similar to that of the USA and is greater than that of India. The richest
20 percent of urban households receive 44 percent of total urban income, the poorest 20
percent receive 6.5 percent. If the Chinese regime goes the same way the USSR did, the
social regression will happen in a far greater scale than what happened in former Soviet
By Liam O'Ruaric (adapted from a letter to the Irish News)
Forthcoming Political Events.
Events in support of the campaign for segregation in Maghaberry Gaol.
The IRSP fully support the right of the Republican prisoners in Maghaberry
to segregation. We clearly recognise that they are political prisoners
involved in a legitimate form of protest within the jail. We call on all
political activists and former prisoners to come out on demonstrations in
support of the call for segregation no matter who calls those
The IRSP support the establishment of a broad based committee comprising
representatives of all republican groups and other supporters to take up the
demand for segregation. The history of the H- block mass struggles during
the 81 hunger strikes show what can be achieved by a unified campaign
drawing support from a wide base. Such support for the prisoners should not
be seen as an endorsement for the continuation of armed struggle by
Republican groups. We are very clear about the futility of the continuation
of armed actions at this time. It is clear that the vast majority of
Republicans as well as the vast majority of the Irish people reject armed
struggle as a current tactic. We urge other Republicans to take the
political road.
Picket- Na Fianna Eireann Dublin Dame Street 12.30-2.00 Saturday
August 16th
IRPWA meeting in Castlewellan 2.30 Saturday 16th August
Memorial unveiling in Tamney Crescent housing estate Maghera at 3.00pm
Sunday 17th August organised by the Republican Socialist ex-prisoners
memorial committee in honour of Brendan Convery and Gerard Mallon.
Anti-War Movement- Wyns Hotel Lower Abbey Street Dublin 2.00pm to 5.00PM
Saturday 23rd August IAWM Calls Public Meeting To Decide The Three
Representatives From Ireland To The Nov. 2003 European Social Forum and to
Mobilise Participation in the ESF.
The Irish Anti War Movement (IAWM) sent a representative to the European
Social Forum (ESF) Planning Assembly in Genoa in early July. This gathering
was to continue preparation and plans for the 2nd ESF taking place next
November in Paris. At this meeting: (a) Ireland was allocated a total of
three speakers for the Plenary meetings of the Paris ESF, (b) Ireland was
allocated one representative on a new ESF Working Group which will decide
the final details of the 250 Seminars of November ESF.
The IAWM has called a public meeting for Sat. Aug 23rd 2003, 2pm, Wynns
Hotel, Abbey St., Dublin 1, in order to mobilise people from Ireland to
attend the Paris ESF and to address issues (a) and (b) above. The IAWM has
asked in their invitation that as many groups, organisations and movements
as possible be represented at this public meeting.
North East Social Forum One World Centre, Lower Crescent Belfast 7.15pm
Tuesday 26th August Anyone can attend
Ard-Comhairle IRSP 392 Falls Road Belfast 10.30- 5.00pm Saturday
30TH August A/C members and delegates only
Anti- Imperialist Camp in Assisi, Italy Sunday to Saturday 31st August
to 6th September .
Programme of the Anti-imperialist Camp 2003 Assisi, Italy, August 31 to
September 6
Sunday, August 31
10 pm inauguration concert
Monday, September 1
10.30 am
Forum 1 The true story of the Iraqi Communist Party By Ahmed Karim, leader
of the anti-imperialist opposition within the ICP
Forum 2 The road mapand the political military in Palestine Meeting with the
Palestinian delegation (PFLP, Abnaa el Balad, solidarity groups,&)
Forum 3 With Kurdistan In memory of Dino Frisullo, leader of the Italian
solidarity movement
5 am
Round table Trial against the war criminals Liberation movements listed by
US and US as terrorists speak out (Basques, Colombians, Palestinians,
Turkish, Filippinos, Lebanese, &)
10 pm, theater
Tuesday, September 2
10.30 am
Forum 1 The Italian youth between commitment and indifference
Forum 2 The empire: a critical anaysis of Toni Negris thesis by Costanzo
Forum 3 Meeting with the Lebanese National Resistance
5 pm
Round table Beyond Porto Alegre The World Social Forum and the perspectives
of the movement against globalisation with Piero Bernocchi (Italian Cobas
leader), Costanzo Preve, ....
10 pm film
Wednesday, September 3
10,30 am
Forum 1 Kidnapping Meeting with the leader of defence of Slobodan Milosevic,
Vladimir Krsljanin
Forum 2 From Venezuela to Brazil: reform and revolution
Forum 3 Cuba: blockade, socialism and democracy
5 pm Round table La lucha sigue: Class struggle and anti-imperialism in
Latin America By Elias Letelier (Chile), Mario Maestri (Brazil), ...
10 pm Meeting with the Anti-imperialist Poets of America
Thursday, September 4
10.30 am
Forum 1 Revolutionary prisoners: testimonies from Turkey and Israel
Forum 2 Is Maoism still up to date?
Forum 3 Against the imperialist occupation An Iraqi Fedayyin recounts
5 pm round table Christianism, Islam, Judaism with Hamza Piccardo (leader of
the Union of Italian Islamic Communities), Shia leader from Lebanon,
Representative of the Franciscans,&
10 pm theatre
Friday, September 6
10.30 am
Forum 1 The collapse of the German left: from anti-fascism to Americanism
Forum 2 Without truce: The Basque struggle against Spanish oppression
Militants from Euskal Herria speak out
Forum 3 Intifada, Jihad and Arab nation Meeting with the Arab delegations
from Morocco, Tunisia, Palestine, Lebanon, Iraq&
5 pm Round table Waiting for Godot Transatlantic tensions and the future of
10 pm theatre
Saturday, September 6
10,30 am
Forum 1 Between persecution and integration: Islam in Italy By the lawyer of
the Islamic communities
Forum 2 The European workersmovement and anti-imperialism
Forum 3 Armageddon: religious fundamentalism in the US By Miguel Martinez
5 pm Round table For a resistance movement against the American empire what
alternatives to the imperialist transformation of the Western left?
10 pm Closing concert of the Camp
Accommodation Fees Anti-imperialist Camp 2003 Assisi, Italy, August 31 -
September 6
Hotel / Bungalow Full Board* E 250
Caravan Full Board*E 200 only night's lodging E 100
Tent Full Board* E 160 only night's lodging ¬ 70
Tent under 25 years Only night's lodging E 50
One day fees Hotel/Bungalow only night's lodging E 25 Caravan only night's
lodging E 16 Tent only night's lodging E 12
One meal voucher E 10
PLEASE NOTE: * Includes lunch and dinner (3 courses). Breakfast is not
For information and reservation please contact the Reception Service at:
registration form
Please note that reservations are only valid upon payment of a deposit of
30% of the total amount to the following Italian bank account: Campo
Antiimperialista account N°: 679/53 bank name: Banca dell'Umbria transfer
codes: ABI: 6235 - CAB: 21800 - SWIFT: CRPG IT 3P
Irish Social Forum Conference Crescent Arts Centre Belfast 10.00 am-5.00pm
Sunday 23rd September .
International Day of Action Dublin Saturday 27TH September
European Social Forum Paris , St Denis 12-15 November
Here is one reason why!!
Coca-Cola's 'toxic' India fertiliser
Waste product from a Coca-Cola plant in India which the company provides as
fertiliser for local farmers contains toxic chemicals, a BBC study has
found. Dangerous levels of the known carcinogen cadmium have been found in
the sludge produced from the plant in the southern state of Kerala. The
chemicals were traced in an investigation by BBC Radio 4's Face The Facts
programme and prompted scientists to call for the practice to be halted
immediately. However, Vice-President of Coca-Cola in India, Sunil Gupta,
denied the fertiliser posed any risk. "We have scientific evidence to prove
it is absolutely safe and we have never had any complaints," Mr Gupta said.
Face The Facts presenter John Waite visited the plant following complaints
from villagers that water supplies were drying up because of the massive
quantities of water required by Coca-Cola. Villagers, politicians,
environmentalists and scientists have accused the firm of robbing the
community of the area's most precious resource. They say the area's farming
industry has been devastated and jobs, as well as the health of local
people, have been put at risk.
'Disturbing' As part of the probe, Face The Facts sent sludge samples to the
UK for examination at the University of Exeter.
Tests revealed the material was useless as a fertiliser and contained a
number of toxic metals, including cadmium and lead. The lab's senior
scientist, David Santillo, said: "What is particularly disturbing is that
the contamination has spread to the water supply - with levels of lead in a
nearby well at levels well above those set by the World Health
Organisation." According to Britain's leading poisons expert, Professor John
Henry, consultant at St Mary's Hospital in London, immediate steps should be
taken by the authorities in India to ban the practice immediately. The
levels of toxins found in the samples would, he said, cause serious problems
- polluting the land, local water supplies and the food chain. "The results
have devastating consequences for those living near the areas where this
waste has been dumped and for the thousands who depend on crops produced in
these fields," Professor Henry said.
'Good for crops' Cadmium is a carcinogen and can accumulate in the kidneys,
with repeated exposure possibly causing kidney failure.
Lead is particularly dangerous to children and the results of exposure can
be fatal. Even at low levels it can cause mental retardation and severe
anaemia. Professor Henry said: "What most worries me about the levels found
is how this might be affecting pregnant women in the area. You would expect
to see an increase in miscarriages, still births and premature deliveries."
Mr Gupta said local farmers had been grateful for the fertiliser because
many could not afford brand-name products of their own. "It's good for
crops," he said. "It's good for the farmers because most of them are poor
and they have been using this for the past three years." Coca-Cola say they
will continue to supply the sludge to farmers.
Story from BBC NEWS: Published:
2003/07/25 17:51:55 GMT
The 26 County state, has the second highest level of poverty in the western world, second
only to the
US. according to the report "The UN's 'Human Development Report' published in July.
The neo liberal economic agenda and right-wing policies of the present British and Irish
Governments has only accelerated the ever widening gap between rich and poor, whilst
steadily running down essential public services such as health, education and public
. Connolly said that if you hoisted a green flag above Dublin Castle, unless you
established the Socialist Republic, your efforts would be in vain. The IRSP would
say that if you print NHS documents in the Irish language, unless you put public
health before private profit and take profit out of illness, your efforts will be in vain.
If you are sick, or injured, your prospects for speedy effective treatment and
recovery depend on where you live and how much you earn. The lower you are on
the social ladder the unhealthier you will be and the shorter will be your life
expectancy. If you are in a low income group you are more likely to suffer from lung
cancer, coronary heart disease, stroke, respiratory disease, obesity and violent
accidents; your birth weight will be lower, your diet will be poorer and your life
expectancy will be five years shorter than those in upper income groups. It should
not be so. Good health is a right, not a privilege, or it should be. Access to treatment
and care should be equally available to all.
The IRSP demands
- a graduated income tax, and levy a profits tax upon the pharmaceutical
industry, which will be used to finance research and development within the NHS
and Free State health system, especially in preventative health
care and medicine
- a regulation of the prices charged by multinational drug companies to the NHS
and ROI health system.
- the abolition of all prescription charges and dental charges. If the government
has money to go to war and maintain bases in South Armagh, it should have money
to pay for those health charges.
- that all parts of the health care system, including private hospitals and clinics
be brought under public control.
- opposition to PFI, because health treatment is given on the basis of whether it
is profitable or not, and not on the basis of needs.
- opposition to privatisation.
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