The Plough #24
30 January 2004
E-Mail Newsletter of the Irish Republican Socialist Party
1. Condolences
2. IRSP Meeting
3. Facts on Primary School Education in Ireland
4. Prison Protest Looms
5. Anti-Racist Rally
6. Genocide Against the Colombian Trade Unions
7. Report on Rally at London Hunger Strike Tent, January 24
8. Convention of the Left - Derry February 14th 2004
9. Stop Killer Coke Campaign
10. What's On?
The IRSP wish to express our deepest regret at the sudden and
unexpected death of Josephine Kelly, a former member of the Ard-
Chomhairle of the IRSP and a staunch supporter of the Republican
Socialist Movement. She was buried today Friday in the City
Cemetery and her funeral was attended by leading comrades from the
Derry area.
The Ard-Chomhairle of the IRSP was represented by Gerry Ruddy, who
expressed sincere condolences to Josephine's brother Vincent, an
active member of the Party.
Josephine was buried just a few yards from the grave of Maura White,
wife of a former leading member of the IRSP, Johnny White. Maura died
in 2003. We can ill afford to lose such comrades and supporters. May
they rest in peace.
IRSP Meeting
There will be an IRSP meeting in Culturlann on the Falls Road at
Broadway next Tuesday night, 3rd February, when Davy Carlin from the
Anti Racist Network will give a talk on racism in Belfast. The
meeting is open to all with an interest in republicanism-socialism
and/or racism. Meeting starts at 7.00pm
Facts on Primary School Education In Ireland
Ireland spends less on primary education than all EU countries except
Spending on Irish primary education is only 70% of that at second
level and only 30% of that at third level.
Average class sizes in Ireland are higher than any EU country except
the UK.
On average there are ten extra pupils in every Irish primary
classroom compared to Luxembourg.
Over 5,000 special needs pupils are waiting nearly a year for a
response to their resource applications.
About a thousand pupils do not even transfer to second level schools
each year.
Children from disadvantaged backgrounds come to school cold, hungry
and poorly dressed.
Children are brought to school on clapped out busses.
(Taken from INTO press release)
Prison Protest Looms
Many republicans will have been disgusted at the recent turn of
events involving the UDA. Their prisoners rioted in Magilligan and
tried to kill a republican prisoner they perceived to be an INLA
prisoner. They failed. They brought Belfast to a stand still with a
series of bomb alerts and attempted to kill nationalist youths with a
bomb at a GAA ground. They were then rewarded with meetings with the
British Security Minister Jane Kennedy and they then travelled to
Dublin to meet with Bertie Ahern. Are we to take from this the
lesson that violence pays? That surely can be the only conclusion to
be drawn from that series of events.
The prison protest itself has to be seen against a background of the
Prison Warders Union the POA, deliberately provoking the loyalists in
order to strengthen their hand in negotiations with the British
Government. As long as there is tension in the jails then the riot
squads will be on standby and huge amounts of overtime clocked up by
the warders. Cynical or what? It works. They already have forced the
British Government to spend £28 millions on personal security for
the screws - something they never did for the RUC during the whole of
the troubles. More trouble is brewing in the jails itself. The
proposals for separation are infringements of the human rights of the
prisoners. Indeed those who accept separation will have worse
conditions than the rest of the prison population.
The power in the Justice (Northern Ireland) Bill, which is shortly to
become law, gives the British Secretary of State the right to
transfer remand or sentenced prisoners to Britain from prisons in the
Six Counties. The new power is intended to "prevent slippage" from
the proposed separated regime for Republican and loyalist prisoners
in Maghaberry to the H-Block style Special Category Status which was
introduced after the 1981 hunger-strikes and then scrapped by the
1998 Stormont Agreement.
A spokesperson for the IRSP, Willie Gallagher, said that they would
be seeking to work closely with other republicans to highlight the
political status issue. Worsening conditions and exiling prisoners is
not new. The sentenced 1916 Rising prisoners were dispersed to
various jails in England. Terence Mac Swiney died on hunger strike in
Brixton jail, London in 1920. In 1922 imprisoned Republicans were
sent to Peterhead jail in the north of Scotland and were not released
until 1926-27. In the 1940s Republicans were jailed in Parkhurst and
Dartmoor. In the 1970s Parkhurst in the Isle of Wight was where Irish
Republican prisoner Michael Gaughan died on hunger strike. His fellow
Mayo Republican Frank Stagg died on hunger strike in Wakefield
prison, Yorkshire.
(Source: RSF)
Anti-Racist Rally
The rally was a brilliant success with up to 2000 people in
attendance on a freezing cold lunchtime at the end of January. Many
top politicians and community leaders attended. As did also many
trade unionists, with banners from trades union councils and trade
unions, such as that of NIPSA, FBU, UNISON and NAFHE etc. Banners
also came from local communities from around Belfast and from student
and human rights organisations. With also many, many attending from
minority ethnic organisations and support groups. To organise such a
rally in such a small space of time given the fact that we are not
funded etc is a credit to all those involved and to the activist
based Anti Racist Network. (ARN) We sent out a visual and united
voice to the world against the racial attack. The next meeting of
the ARN is next Wednesday and details will be sent shortly.
(D. Carlin)
72 CUT members were assassinated in 2003
The social, political and human rights situation in Colombia worsens
daily, which shows that the solution is not to increase war and
violence. The state-government and the armed groups (insurgency,
paramilitary and armed forces) have evaded the United Nations’ 27
recommendations for human rights policy. The Colombian state has
completed none of the recommendations; it is clear that President of
the Republic Dr. Álvaro Uribe Vélez is applying the policies of
democratic security’.
There have been massive detentions in which the government does not
fulfil codes and international treaties, illegal raids and 72 union
leaders were murdered last year. The concern today is all the
greater; now that an antiterrorist statute has been approved which we
are sure will not be applied to terrorists. On the contrary, this
whole policy is directed to hit and to put an end to the
organizational processes of the social movement that generate
opposition to the policies of North American imperialism and the
government of Álvaro Uribe Vélez.
On 17th January 2004, RICARDO BARRAGÁN ORTEGA was murdered as he
was leaving his place of residence. He as an activist and member of
the Cali Municipal Corporation Workers Union - SINTRAEMCALI - CUT.
The comrade was on his way to the Navarrese Centre Operations Yard to
play a soccer game with his work mates when he was intercepted by two
motorcyclists who shot him five times in the head. One of the
assassins who participated in the comrade Ricardo¹s murder was
captured by the police as he tried to flee the place of the crime. He
was transferred to Guabal Neighbourhood Police Station.
The comrade had been characterized by his technical contributions to
the proposal to save EMCALI, and he had made ingenious contributions
to reduce the costs, to increase the revenues and to optimise human
resources. And he had been active participating in the protest days
of the workers to defend EMCALI EICE ESP from privatisation.
On 13th January 2004, an envelope with a condolence card [standard
form of assassin threat] was left in the offices of the Atlántico
branch of ANTHOC [health workers union]. It was addressed to the
Committee of this organization, citing the names of GILBERTO
MARTÍNEZ (member of the National Committee), CARMEN TORRES (member
of the Departmental Committee, ÁLVARO MÁRQUEZ (member of the
Departmental Committee), JOSÉ MERIÑO (member of the
Departmental Committee) and ANGEL SALAS (member of the National
Committee). It was apparently from the AUC (United Self-defences of
Colombia) [paramilitaries] and is signed with the letters Antonio
Uparela Castro at the end.
On 16th January 2004, a death threat arrived at the electronic mail
of the CUT (United Workers Federation of Colombia). It was from
someone calling themselves "Major Rigoberto Zarate Ospina Cell 18" of
the Block Calarca of the AUC e-mail (
and in which death threats against union leaders in Risaralda are
confirmed. It was necessary to take these leaders out of the country
last October in the face of the siege and death sentence passed by
this paramilitary unit.
In this sentence the paramilitaries condemn not only the social work
of the "Social Pastoral of Colombia [church] but the State of CHILE
for giving refuge to criminals of little worth as are the union
leaders of the CUT in Risaralda; and they point out that their armed
units are already placed in Chile awaiting the order to begin
locating the whereabouts and then the execution of those called civil
On 21st January 2004 once again the national and local leaders of
ANTHOC are the objects of death threats. [This time] by the Peasants
AUC of Magdalena's Medio who have declared as targets JESUS ALFONSO
NARANJO and MARIO NEL MORA PATIÑO representatives of the Human
Rights Department and Medical Mission. This is for making accusations
against administrative corruption and rising national and
international protest actions against the constant and repeated
threats, forced displacements and assassinations of health officials
and especially of their members. The paramilitaries claim in their
note that the two leaders are not human rights defenders, but
guerrilla fighters infiltrated in the union movement, for such a
reason they will be eliminated in any part of the country.
The government intends to apply a plan in the department of the Cauca
in the south west of the country like the plan it has applied in
Arauca. In Arauca the government persecuted, harassed and imprisoned
the leadership of the social movements. In Cauca massive detentions
have been carried out in the last year. There are populations
(municipalities) that are closed off by the National Army and others
by the paramilitary groups violating the most elementary rights and
even international treaties. For example they control the entrance of
food to the peasants and they don't allow them to take out their
products, which of course deteriorates the quality of the civil
population's life. In the union movement the Executive Committee of
the Subdirectiva CUT Cauca and the Executive Committee of unions have
been threatened recently. Several comrades have been forced by the
circumstances of threats to abandon their region where the right to
association right and union freedoms are palpably being violated.
The government presents Cartagena as the paradise of the Americas.
Cartagena is the capital of Bolívar Department where,
unfortunately the social movement has registered around 350 illegal
detentions in the previous year.
It is clear that in Colombia respect for the freedom of expression
does not exist and hence silence covers acts infringing human rights.
For this reason, we demand real guarantees on the part of the State
to exercise the union freedoms in Colombia.
Director Human Rights Department
Bogotá, D. C. 23 January 2004
Calle 35 No. 7-25 P.9 PBX y FAX 3237550-3237950 Bogotá, D.C.
Email: -
[Retranslated from original Spanish by Colombia Solidarity Campaign]
Report on rally at London hunger strike tent, January 24
The protest rally at Seven Sisters took place on the 34th day of the
hunger strike there. First of all, placards bearing the pictures of
those who have died in the prison protest in Turkey opposing
isolation imprisonment were attached to a long cord, which was then
strung from one lamp-post to another, forming a kind of banner. Then
Ayfer Yildiz, one of the three people on 45-day hunger strike, read
out a press statement in English in which she described the reasons
for the protest. It touched on the December 2000 prison massacre in
Turkey and the ongoing hunger strike and related protests in which a
total of 107 people have lost their lives. The statement said, "The
political prisoners have sacrificed a great deal so far for their
demands, and they have resolved to make further sacrifices." The
statement also called on Europeans to criticise their governments'
support for the repression practised by the Turkish government.
Ibrahim Yalcin, another of the 45-day hunger strikers, read out a
shorter statement along the same lines in Turkish. Well-wishers who
were not from Turkey or Kurdistan added a few words of support. Then
the rally ended with the dancing of a halay (a kind of round dance
popular in Turkey) and the playing of some folk music. Some
representatives of the media attended - a cameraman and reporter from
ITV London Tonight, a reporter from the Press Association, a
freelance photographer, a reporter from an alternative radio station
called Resonance Radio and a representative of the London Turkish-
language press. The Press Association reporter was given an
interview, as was the reporter from Resonance Radio. Ayfer did a
short interview to camera for London To night.
The hunger strike is continuing and will end on the 45th day,
February 4.
(From: "Stephen Kaczynski"
Stop Killer Coke Campaign
From mid-November through the end of the year, there was a lot of
good news to report in the Campaign to Stop Killer Coke. Over the
Nov. 22 weekend, thousands of religious, Labor and peace activists
led by Father Roy Bourgeois marched against the School of the
Americas (SOA) at Ft. Benning, Georgia. Hundreds of our protest signs
were carried and thousands of our brochures and petitions were
The following Tuesday, some 5,000 signed "Unthinkable! Undrinkable!"
petitions were delivered by a group of supporters to Coke's
headquarters, led by union carpenter Ken Little, our Northwest
Campaign Co-ordinator who is also the labor liaison to SOA Watch.
Quite a few participants who received our literature at the SOA
demonstrations and the FTAA demonstrations in Florida contacted us to
ask how they could support the Campaign.
On December 7, Ray Rogers addressed a meeting of United Auto Workers
Local 22, the largest General Motors local in Detroit. The attached
article in The Steward, the Local 22 publication, describes the
terrific response of the membership and leadership of the local: "Now
the Coke machine in our union hall has been disconnected and the
president made calls to the bottler telling him we no longer need the
Coke machine and Coke products. We are going to try to do the same in
all our plants." Also present at the meeting was UAW International
Vice President and Organizing Director Bob King, who stated: "This is
a campaign that everyone should support and has to be won."
Local 22-newspaper editor John Martinez is a Campaign Co-ordinator in
the Detroit area. Attached is his letter to the editor of La Prensa,
which is widely distributed throughout greater Detroit and northern
Ohio. The last four paragraphs contain the kind of message that we
want to communicate to the Latino community. John is working with
several universities, labor and Latino groups in the Detroit area to
organize a large rally in mid-April.
The United Hebrew Trades Division of the Jewish Labor Committee has
endorsed and is active in the Campaign. In November, the organization
sent out our "Colombian Coke Float" petition to all its members with
the following message: "United Hebrew Trades joins in supporting this
Campaign to Stop Killer Coke, and urges all members and affiliates to
choose beverages not bottled by Coca-Cola. This is an ongoing
campaign which will need a lot of support."
Many students from coast to coast and internationally are requesting
Campaign materials and advice. They’re asking how to place
pressure on college and university administrators to sever, not renew
or not consider contracts with Coke. On Dec.5, students on many
campuses protested on the anniversary of Isidro Gil's murder. We
expect to be well represented at the United Students Against
Sweatshops conference in mid-February in Atlanta.
Betsy Guerra, a teacher at Lyon Elementary School in Washington
State, was so moved by Juan Galvis's presentation and our literature
that she took the issue to the school's principal and its social
committee. As a result, the Coke machine in the faculty lounge was
replaced with a Pepsi machine. Betsy says, "This is only costing Coke
20 cases a month, but now I'm working to get other friends,
colleagues and faculty unions to spread the word and do the same."
Her friends are now asking for rum and Pepsi in bars.
Atlanta's main business publication, the Atlanta Business Chronicle
(11/24/03), covered student protest in Ireland and in the U.S. as
well as other aspects of the Campaign in a front-page story. (Read
the article, "Students Call for Coke Boycott," on
in the News section.)
On December 24, in its annual article recommending worthy causes for
activists and philanthropists to support, entitled "The Magnificent
9," the national newsletter Counterpunch listed the Campaign to Stop
Killer Coke as one of the nine worthiest. Counterpunch is co-edited
by investigative journalists Alexander Cockburn and Jeffrey St. Clair.
In Canada on Dec.13, more than 30 labor, student and human rights
activists led by Campaign Coordinator Larry Wells of the Oakville and
District Labour Council distributed thousands of "Coke Float"
petitions to fans entering a hockey game between the Toronto Maple
Leafs and the New York Rangers. A Canadian version of the petition
highlighted Coke board member J. Pedro Reinhard and his presence on
the board of the Royal Bank of Canada. In late November, Bill
Saunders, president of the Vancouver and District Labour Council,
distributed our literature to 800 delegates at the British Columbia
Federation of Labor’s policy convention. Both Bill and Larry are
working with us to broaden support among labor unions and on campuses
in Canada.
Enterpriserisk, a business magazine in London, has published an
article on the International Labor Rights Fund in its Dec.-Jan.
issue. It will also publish a full-page piece on the Campaign to Stop
Killer Coke in the February issue.
Forbes magazine (12/4/03) ran an article entitled: "Coke's Sinful
World," in which they state what we already knew: "The biggest
bottlers aren't subsidiaries of Coke, nor are they completely
independent. Coke effectively controls them by maintaining big equity
stakes and a heavy presence on their boards, and by providing their
main source of business. Yet it keeps its stakes in the bottlers
below 50%, thereby avoiding getting hit with their piles of debt and
any unpleasant liabilities."
On Jan. 9, a fact-finding delegation of unionists led by New York
City Council member Hiram Monserrate left for Colombia. If they
conclude that the allegations against Coke have merit, the next step
could be a move to bring the issue before the City Council. Public
sector unions in New York have hundreds of millions of dollars of
public pension funds invested in Coke.
Please visit for updates and new material.
We would appreciate any photos of activities in which you are
involved. We will soon send you a report, "How Credible is Coca-
Cola?" describing many of Coke’s abuses around the world. Since
Coca-Cola consistently fails to live up to the standards
for "corporate responsibility" as set out in any "code of conduct,"
this report should be helpful to students, faculty and others seeking
to rescind, not renew or not consider contracts with Coke.
Peace & Justice,
Ray Rogers
Campaign to Stop Killer Coke
Corporate Campaign, Inc.
(212) 979-8320
Republican Socialist Prisoners of War
Castlerea Prison
Declan Duffy [9 years-20 August 1973-Armagh/Dublin-April 2008]
Dessie O'Hare [Life-N/A-South Armagh-No Fixed Date]
Number 2, The Grove
Castlerea Prison
Castlrea, Co. Roscommon
Portlaoise Prison
Gerry Burns [5 years-7 October 1962-Dublin-May 2005]
Cathal Gartland [4 years-N/A-Dundalk-May 2007]
Kevin McLaughlin [4 years-13 November 1965-Belfast-August 2004]
Portlaoise Prison
Dublin Road
Portlaoise, Co. Laois
Letters, cards, birthday greetings, and so forth are welcome.
John Brady - January 31st, 1969
Birthday cards to John will be greatly appreciated even if belated.
John was released under the 1998 "GFA" Treaty. Following his
recent arrest in Derry, his license was revoked and he is now held
under a resumed Life sentence.
Lagan 2
Maghaberry Prison
Upper Ballinderry Road
Lisburn, Co. Antrim
BT 28 2PT
North of Ireland
More Birthdays listed here:
To all Party members, associates and friends
Donations or standing orders/direct debit to the Party can be paid
into: First Trust Bank
Account Name: Irish Republican Socialist Party
Branch: Andersonstown Belfast
Account Number: 70490-21
Sort Code: 93-84-75
What's On?
Saturday 31 January
Pilots Row, 12noon - 4.00pm. Film Screening: A series of short
programmes, including the 1969 broadcast of Panorama focussing on the
Battle of the Bogside.
Pilots Row, 2.00pm - 4.00pm. Update on the progress of the Bloody
Sunday Inquiry.
Gasyard Centre, 11.00am 4.00pm. The Impact of the Article 2
Judgement in the North. Organised by The Pat Finucane Centre.
This seminar will focus on the implications of the European Court of
Human Rights Article 2 judgement of May 2001 in the case of Jordan,
McKerr, Shanaghan, Kelly & others. The aim of the seminar is to
provide a comprehensive update on the ongoing implications of the
Article 2 judgement and will provide an opportunity for legal
practitioners, NGOs and relatives to share information ideas and
strategies. Advance registration only - limited spaces available.
Calgach Centre, 7.30pm - 9.30pm. "The Truth about Truth
Commissions". Would a truth commission be a help or a hindrance to
those bereaved or hurt by the conflict? Panel discussion organised by
the Pat Finucane Centre. See press for details of speakers.
Solas Arts Centre, Gt James St, 8.30pm. Beidh an dara Oíche cheoil
agus siamsaíochta Tír Chonaill/Doire a chur i láthair in
Ionad Ealaíne Solas, Mórshráid Shéamais, Dé Sathairn
31 Eanáir, ag tosnú ar a 8.30i.n. Beidh scaifte as Gaeltacht
Thír Chonaill ag teacht go Doire do mhórshiúl
chuimhneacháin Dhomhnach na Fola, idir Baill de Bhuíonta Cheoil
Rann na Feirste agus Gaoth Dobhair agus ceoltóirí agus
amhránaithe den scoith. Beidh Cór Cholmcille ag coinneáil
cuideachta leo ar an ardán. Beidh táille de £5 ar an doras
agus thig libh bhur gcuid dí féin a thabhairt isteach libh.
Bígí linn!
Once again as part of the Bloody Sunday Commemorative Weekend,
singers and musicians from the Donegal Gaeltacht will join with
friends from Derry, including Cór Cholmcille for a concert in
Solas Arts Centre. Come along and enjoy a great evening's
entertainment. Doors open at 8.30 p.m. Admission £5.00, bring
your own.
Gasyard Centre, 9.00pm - till late. Bloody Sunday Weekend fundraiser,
with Cruncher O'Neill, Decky McLaughlin, The Shambelles and others.
Admission £5.00, bring your own. Organised by the Gasyard Wall
Sunday 1 February
Bloody Sunday Monument, Rossville Street, 11.00am. Wreath laying
service. Please join the families as they lay wreaths and offer
prayers for those killed and injured. Creggan Shops, 2.30pm. 32nd
Commemorative March and Rally. Speakers from Sinn Féin and the
SDLP and a representative of the deceased and wounded. Soup and
sandwiches will be available free in Sean Dolan's GAC, Creggan,
before and after the march. Sandinos after the march. Soup,
sandwiches, music and craic. Revolutionary tax £2.00. All proceeds
to the Bloody Sunday Weekend Committee.
CHRONOTOPIA is a photographic exhibition documenting Simon
personal vision of the war-ravaged landscape of Afghanistan.
The exhibition opened on 24 January 2004 and will end on 27 February
2004 at Belfast Exposed, The Exchange Place, 23 Donegall Street,
Belfast. Admission is free.
Gallery opening times are: Mon-Fri 10.00 am to 5.00 pm and Sat 11.00
am to 5.00 pm. For more information, contact Belfast Exposed on tel:
028 9023 0965 or website:
Grassroots Gathering - an alternative gathering of libertarian
socialists, anarchists and activists of the direct action persuasion
will take place in Cork at the beginning of March. Further details
on agenda/ venue soon.....
Convention of the trade union left. Speakers include Billy Hayes,
Mark Serwotka, Bob Crow, Paul Mackney and Geoff Martin. Saturday 7th
Feb, 121 Merrow Street. Email for more
Please feel free to comment on the contents of the Plough. We welcome
political comments and criticisms.
If you know of anybody who might wish to receive the Plough please
send his or her e-mail address to
If you wish to receive back copies of the "The Plough" Please e-mail
to stating which numbers you wish.
To unsubscribe to the Plough please send e-mail
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It is the policy of the Plough to acknowledge information and
articles from other sources.
Subscribe to the bi-monthly
"The Starry Plough/An Camchéachta"
P.O. Box 1981, Derry, BT48 8GX, Ireland.
Fighting Fund/Donations
To: The Starry Plough
First Trust Bank, Derry, BT48 6BU
Account No. 14986015 Sort Code No. 93-86-10 (Pairtí Poblachtach Sóisialach na
h-Éireann) (James Connolly Society) (James Connolly Archive)
The new Republican Socialist Forum from Derry IRSP:
A new 2004 full colour glossy calendar is available now on the RSM
online shop.
It celebrates the brilliant work undertaken by the Teach Na Failte
Memorial Committees this past year throughout the six counties with
full colour photographs on each page.
Just in time for Christmas and the New Year this calendar can be
viewed online by clicking the link below
Republican Socialist Online Merchandise - New Website
A new website that offers a central place to go on the Internet to
find good quality items with a distinct Republican Socialist theme.
Proceeds from sales from this effort go towards the IRSM and it's
various projects.
Friday 30 January 2004
Friday 23 January 2004
The Plough Vol 01 No 23
The Plough #23
23 January 2004
E-Mail Newsletter of the Irish Republican Socialist Party
1. Loyalists and Brits Collude
2. Bin Campaigners Slam High Court Ruling, Plan Appeal
3. The Case of John Graham
4. Convention of the Left - Derry February 14th 2004
5. People's Forum Against Coca-Cola
6. 31st Day of Hunger Strike
7. What's On?
Loyalists and Brits Collude
The meeting between the UDA and the British security minister, Jane
Kennedy, was a disgrace. It is clear that the Brits place more value
on a bunch of racist sectarian thugs and their opinions than they do
on the voice of any section of republicanism. In the last two weeks
the fascists of the UDA have launched a series of attacks on
republicans in West Belfast, attacked the homes of members of ethnic
minorities in the loyalist Village area of Belfast, rioted in
Maghaberry Jail causing thousands of pounds worth of damage and
engaged in a prolonged hunger strike of over two whole days!!!!
Consequence? The Brits meet them and the Free Staters are preparing
to meet them next week. Republicans draw a clear lesson from this.
The whole peace process is a sham designed to castrate republicans
and empower loyalism. There is no doubt that all republicans are
being forced to re-examine their present positions, re-evaluate
their current stances and work out the best strategies for advancing
the republican agenda. Following the nationalist path is not the
Bin Campaigners Slam High Court Ruling, Plan Appeal
Dublin Campaign Against the Bin Tax has strongly criticised today's
High Court decision in a case brought by three Finglas residents
regarding the fairness and legality of the imposition of bin charges.
The case centred on the polluter pays principle and challenged the
legality of the imposition of a set bin charge which did not take
account of the volume of waste produced. The High Court ruled that,
although the Waste Management Plan required the polluter pays
principle to be implemented, the City Council does not have to
provide specific incentives to encourage householders to recycle or
reduce waste Costs were also awarded against the three residents
taking the case. Joe Mooney, Secretary of the Campaign said: "This
High Court decision makes a mockery of the polluter pays principle,
it makes the nonsensical claim that although a provision is included
in the Waste Management Plan the Council has no legal obligation to
actually implement what is stated in it's own Plan. We have
constantly argued that the imposition of a set fee by City Council
actually discourages recycling. Now the High Court has ruled that
this unfair set fee is lawful and gives the green light to City
Council to further harass law abiding householders who oppose unjust
double taxation."
Cieran Perry, an activist with the Cabra Campaign, said: "All our
advice was that we had a very strong legal case, but it comes as no
surprise that the High Court decision should back up the City Council
and the Government position in support of bin charges."
In a previous case the High Court actually ruled in favour of Fingal
bin protestors, stating that the Council was legally obligated to
collect all bins regardless of whether charges had been paid. In 2003
the Dail rushed through the "Protection of the Environment Act 2003",
which permitted councils to refuse to collect bins of non-payers.
After going to all this trouble to legalise their illegal double tax,
it was very unlikely that the High Court today would embarrass the
government by delivering a second blow to plans for ever increasing
stealth taxes.
The Dublin Campaign Against the Bin Tax will be taking legal advice
concerning an appeal to the Supreme Court against High Court's
Subject: Bin campaigners slam High Court Ruling, plan Appeal
Date: Tue, 20 Jan 2004 15:05:21 -2400
Dublin Campaign Against the Bin Tax
The Case of John Graham
A 48-year old Canadian aboriginal man from Whitehorse, Yukon, was
arrested on a US indictment in Vancouver on December 1, 2003, and is
currently being held in a Vancouver jail awaiting an extradition
hearing. John Graham is a father to eight, a community organizer, and
an advocate of aboriginal issues.
John Graham is charged with the murder of Anna Mae Aquash, who was a
friend and colleague in the American Indian Movement. Graham has
repeatedly stated that he is not guilty of this crime, which occurred
in South Dakota nearly 28 years ago. According to Graham, in the
weeks before she disappeared, Aquash confided that she had been
arrested and threatened by FBI Agent David Price, who told her that
she "would not live out the year" if she did not become an FBI
The last time they were together, John Graham drove Anna Mae Aquash
to a house near the Pine Ridge Reservation of South Dakota. It was
the last time he saw her alive. When Anna Mae's frozen body was
discovered on the reservation, FBI Agent David Price was one of the
first to examine the body. Despite having interviewed her just weeks
earlier, he claimed he could not identify Aquash. He had her hands
cut off and sent to Washington, DC for identification and buried her
as "Jane Doe". At that time, Agent Price claimed that there was no
need for a criminal investigation, stating that she had died of
Leonard Peltier, also a friend and colleague of John Graham's, has
been serving time in a U.S. prison for 27 years, charged with "aiding
and abetting" in the murder of two FBI agents who died during the
shoot-out at Pine Ridge. Following the acquittal of Peltier's two co-
accused in a preceding trial which ruled the men had acted in self-
defence, Peltier's subsequent trial is widely recognized as a
travesty of justice and has attracted the condemnation of human
rights activists and organizations, including Amnesty International,
Nelson Mandela and Jesse Jackson.
Peltier's extradition from Canada, at the request of the U.S., was
based on fabricated evidence and false affidavits presented by the
FBI. Former justice minister and judge who allowed the extradition,
Warren Allmand, later said he would never have agreed to the
extradition had he known some affidavits and evidence presented by
the US were false.
Leonard Peltier recently noted, "I fear that John (Graham) will not
receive a fair trial in the US anymore than I did. I must remind you,
it is court record that the FBI lied to extradite me back to the
Bob Newbrook, the police officer who arrested Peltier in 1976, is
currently an Amnesty International member. He was recently quoted in
the Dec. 5, 2003 issue of BC's The Province newspaper as saying, "My
greatest fear is that the U.S. will use the same kind of flimsy and
trumped-up evidence that they used against Leonard Peltier to justify
the extradition of John Graham, a Canadian citizen, to the U.S."
The U.S. government has sixty days from the arrest on December 1, to
make their case for extradition.
I encourage you to examine the facts around this matter and the
history of how the FBI extradited John Graham's fellow activist
Leonard Peltier, and to encourage Canada's Justice Minister Irwin
Cotler to direct his officials to thoroughly scrutinize the evidence
presented by the U.S.
Having reviewed these facts myself, I am firmly opposed to the
extradition of John Graham. I hope you will also oppose this
extradition to prevent another Canadian human rights tragedy.
For more information about the matter of John Graham, please visit
the John Graham Defence Committee website at
Convention of the Left - Derry February 14th 2004
For everyone's information (from the SEA web site)
We are writing to invite you to a Convention of the Left to be held
in Derry on February 14th 2004. The purpose is to discuss a united
Left slate in the June 2004 European election.
We are writing to invite you to a Convention of the Left to be held
in Derry on February 14th 2004. The purpose is to discuss a united
Left slate in the June 2004 European election. The SEA sees it as an
imperative that there should be a left alternative in the field in
June. If no one else is willing to come along with us we are minded
to go forward on our own. In that circumstance, Eamonn McCann is
willing to stand.
However, we realise that a broad alliance covering the North would be
hugely preferable. We are very open to argument from others as to how
best we can jointly achieve this.
We envisage an electoral alliance of different parties, campaigning
groups and individuals offering voters a radical, anti-sectarian
alternative to parties based on one or other of "the two
communities." The results of the SEA interventions in Foyle and East
Londonderry by Eamonn McCann and Marion Baur make plain that a
credible, united left campaign can attract a level of support, which
cannot be derided or ignored. Without such an intervention, the
European election, for practical purposes, will amount to yet another
referendum" to determine who will champion each community vis-a-vis
the other. It will take a united, broadly based campaign to make a
Left intervention credible.
The issues bringing together socialists, environmentalists, defenders
of the public sector, anti-racists, women's rights campaigners and
anti-war groups in other countries affect us here too. Millions of
Europeans rallied to these issues in 2003, particularly in anti-war
demonstrations on February 15th. Our Convention marks the first
anniversary of those huge protests - which saw one of the biggest
ever marches in Belfast that did not reflect sectarian divisions.
We must break out of the circular argument, which holds that Northern
Ireland is so polarised along communal lines that there's no point
trying seriously to challenge its communal politics. A June campaign
would offer a chance to link day-to-day local concerns to major
issues being fought out at European level. Issues of water charges
and environmental protection cannot be understood other than in a
European perspective. The rise in racism on our streets is connected
to the "Fortress Europe" project. Local civil rights issues now arise
in parallel with the crackdown across Europe associated with the "war
on terror." Privatisation schemes in our schools and hospitals are
entangled with European directives on freeing market forces. And so
It is only in the context of the fight for a social Europe and
against a neo-liberal Europe that we can pursue these issues in
Northern Ireland. The notion that a better Northern Ireland and a
better Ireland is possible is an element in the broader notion that
another Europe is possible. As to when and by whom a serious
political effort is to be made to bring this about---if not now,
when? If not us, who?
The Convention will be held at the Verbal Arts Centre, located on the
City Walls at Bishop Street, Derry. A crèche will be provided. A
more detailed Agenda will be issued shortly.
Yours sincerely
Marion Baur and Eamonn McCann
People's Forum Against Coca-Cola
"We have to build an international alliance to battle the
For Immediate Release January 19, 2004
Contact: Amit Srivastava, Global Resistance +91 9892 239 439; Sujani K. Reddy, Global Resistance +91 22 33661947
Mumbai, India: Coca-Cola is in trouble. In a historic march on
January 18, 2004, over 500 protesters marched and rallied to condemn
Coca-Cola's operations in India. Protesters, including over 150
residents who live in and around Coca-Cola's bottling facilities in
India, were joined by a large group of international supporters at
the World Social Forum in Mumbai. The events were organized under the
banner of People's Forum against Coca-Cola.
The protest drew attention to a pattern that has emerged among Coca-
Cola's Indian bottling plants. Three communities in India -
Plachimada in Kerala, Wada in Maharashtra and Mehdiganj in Uttar
Pradesh - are experiencing severe water shortages as a result of Coca-
Cola's mining of the majority of common groundwater resources around
its facilities. And the multinational's indiscriminate dumping of
wastewater into the ground has polluted the scarce water that
remains. In Sivagangai, Tamil Nadu, residents are opposing a proposed
Coca-Cola facility because of fears that they too will face water
shortages and pollution.
"Coca-Cola's actions are symbolic of the vulgar arrogance and
criminal power of corporations that are looting people of their basic
needs, water in this case", said Medha Patkar, coordinator of the
National Alliance of People's Movements. "Our right to water, land
and forests is at stake and added Ms. Patkar.
The March and rally launched an international campaign to hold Coca-
Cola accountable for its actions. Javier Correa, president of
SINALTRAINAL, addressed India's Coca-Cola affected communities,
declaring that, "Colombians affiliated to SINATRAINAL will unite with
Indian communities' struggle for truth, justice and reparations."
SINALTRAINAL union leaders and organizers of workers at the Colombian
Coca-Cola bottling subsidiary have been subject to a gruesome cycle
of violence in Colombia. Many have been murdered, kidnapped and
tortured by Colombian paramilitary forces.
Tests of Coca-Cola products in the Indian market in September 2003
confirmed the presence of pesticides in the soft drinks, sometimes 30
times higher than those allowed by the European Union standards. The
government of India has initiated an inquiry into the findings and
the parliament of India has actually banned the sale of Coca-Cola and
Pepsico products in the cafeteria.
"This is a classic case of double standards by Coca-Cola," said Amit
Srivastava, coordinator of US based Global Resistance. "Coca-Cola
thinks that it can get away by abusing communities in India and
selling sub-standard products in India. We are ready to bring the
battle to the US, to Coca-Cola's home turf," he continued. The
international campaign to hold Coca-Cola accountable has planned a
series of events in the US to force Coca-Cola to clean up its act.
Sponsors of the People's Forum against Coca-Cola include Coca-Cola
Virudha Janakeeya Samara Samithy (Kerala), Joint Action Council
Against Sakthi Coke in Sivagangai (Tamil Nadu), National Alliance of
Peoples Movements (India), SINALTRAINAL (Colombia), Colombia Action
Network (US), Colombia Demand Justice Campaign (Australia), Chilean
Popular and Indigenous Network (Chile), Global Resistance (US),
Campaign to Stop Killer Coke/Corporate Campaign, Inc. (US) and
Colombia Solidarity Campaign (UK).
For background information on Coca-Cola, visit and our website
Over three years ago (in December 2000), the government of Turkey
sent in thousands of soldiers and police into over 20 of the
country's prisons. The aim was to force inmates into new F-Type
isolation prisons. 28 prisoners were killed and hundreds wounded
during this process. Hunger strikes in protest at the attack and
against extreme forms of prison isolation have continued since then.
In all, 107 people have lost their lives opposing the prison policies
of Turkey's government, and the deaths are continuing.
Protests have continued outside prisons as well, and also outside
Turkey in countries like Britain which have a significant Turkish-
speaking minority. A 45-day hunger strike in a tent started on
December 22 near Seven Sisters underground, at the junction of High
Road with Seven Sisters. Several people there are on hunger strike
throughout this period, while others are on hunger strike for shorter
lengths of time. The aim is to increase public awareness of the
highly oppressive prison policies of Turkey's government and to
register opposition. Despite a racist stabbing of one of the Seven
Sisters hunger strikers on January 6, he and the others will pursue
the protest to the end.
A rally outside the tent is to take place at 2 pm, Saturday January
24, when a press statement will be read out. Progressive-minded
groups and individuals are welcome to participate to show solidarity.
For state oppression and isolation imprisonment is not confined to
Turkey, as we have seen in the case of the Guantanamo detainees in US-
occupied Cuba and the Belmarsh detainees in this country, to cite
just two of many other examples.
HOC (Front for Rights and Freedoms)
Contact details: 07765 165491 Or 07966 739061 or e-mails: or
Republican Socialist Prisoners of War
Castlerea Prison
Declan Duffy [9 years-20 August 1973-Armagh/Dublin-April 2008]
Dessie O'Hare [Life-N/A-South Armagh-No Fixed Date]
Number 2, The Grove
Castlerea Prison
Castlrea, Co. Roscommon
Portlaoise Prison
Gerry Burns [5 years-7 October 1962-Dublin-May 2005]
Cathal Gartland [4 years-N/A-Dundalk-May 2007]
Kevin McLaughlin [4 years-13 November 1965-Belfast-August 2004]
Portlaoise Prison
Dublin Road
Portlaoise, Co. Laois
Letters, cards, birthday greetings, and so forth are welcome.
To all Party members, associates and friends
Donations or standing orders/direct debit to the Party can be paid
into: First Trust Bank
Account Name: Irish Republican Socialist Party
Branch: Andersonstown Belfast
Account Number: 70490-21
Sort Code: 93-84-75
What's On?
Programme of Events 2004
Wednesday 21 January
Free Derry Corner, 11.00am. Launch of black ribbon and programme.
Tuesday 27 January. Holocaust Memorial Day
Gasyard Centre, Lecky Road, 1.00pm. Launch of "Making an Exhibition
of Ourselves - Derry and the Arms Trade". Exhibition by the Foyle
Ethical Investment Campaign (FEIC).
Sandino's Bar, Water Street, 8.00pm. Launch of "The Battle of
Venezuela" by Michael McCaughan. Introduced by Eamonn McCann. Hot on
the heels of the award-winning Irish documentary "The Revolution will
Not be Televised", comes "The Battle of Venezuela", a new book in
which Irish journalist Michael McCaughan brings audiences up to date
on the remarkable events taking place in this oil-rich Latin American
Wednesday 28 January
Sean Dolan's GAC, Creggan, 10.00pm. Bloody Sunday Commemorative Table
Quiz. Entry fee is £10 per team, with all proceeds going to the
Bloody Sunday Trust.
Thursday 29 January
Bookworm, Bishop Street, 1.00pm. The launch of "Crimes Without
Punishment", the 30th Anniversary Bloody Sunday Lecture by Robert
Fisk. Robert Fisk looks back on Bloody Sunday and its aftermath as a
journalist who directly witnessed what he describes as the 'Bloody
Sunday of Lebanon', the massacre of 1700 Palestinian refugees in the
camps of Sabra and Shatila, ten years after Bloody Sunday. Crimes
without Punishment' compares and contrasts the peace processes in
the North and the Middle East and examines the bias and wordplay with
which mainstream journalism reports such war crimes. In particular it
explores the circumstances and forces at play that have dictated that
while a second inquiry into Bloody Sunday was won, many of the
victims of the crimes of Sabra and Shatila continue to lay in
unmarked graves. A Gaslight Production in association with the Bloody
Sunday Trust.
Calgach Centre, Butcher Street, 8.00pm. From Opposition to
Mainstream - the challenges facing Sinn Féin and the DUP.
Sinn Féin and the DUP are now the two largest political parties in
the north, and both are traditionally seen as representing the
working class in their respective constituencies. But it is a
perceived political reality that the focus of any political party
changes once it gains power. The responsibility of government is
often seen as blunting the radicalism of opposition. Both Sinn
Féin and the DUP have championed radical policies on social and
constitutional issues in the past and the question now is how these
policies will be affected by their ascent to political primacy in the
north. Speakers Conor Murphy and Gregory Campbell will outline how
their parties plan to deal with this challenge, and will face
questions from an invited panel of interested parties and the
Playhouse, Artillery Street, 7.00pm. Premier of Laurence
McClenaghan's play, "The Long Auld Road", which focuses on the impact
of Bloody Sunday on one family as they wait for family members to
come home from the march. The play will also be performed on Friday
and Saturday night.
Friday 30 January
Bloody Sunday Monument, Rossville Street, 4.15pm. A minute's silence
to mark the time 32 years ago when British paratroopers opened fire
on the crowd in Rossville Street. Please join the families of the
deceased for a moment of silent reflection. Please note that part of
Rossville Street will be closed to traffic for the duration of this
St Mary's Church, Creggan, 7.30pm. The annual memorial mass for those
killed on Bloody Sunday.
Calgach Centre, Butcher Street, 8.15pm. Bloody Sunday Memorial
Lecture, to be given this year by former Old Labour MP and
veteran socialist Tony Benn. Admission by donation.
Bogside Inn, 10.00pm. Fundraising event for the Pat Finucane Centre.
Alternative disco Ska, Punk, Funk and Reggae.
Saturday 31 January
Pilots Row, 12noon - 4.00pm. Film Screening: A series of short
programmes, including the 1969 broadcast of Panorama focussing on the
Battle of the Bogside.
Pilots Row, 2.00pm - 4.00pm. Update on the progress of the Bloody
Sunday Inquiry.
Gasyard Centre, 11.00am 4.00pm. The Impact of the Article 2
Judgement in the North. Organised by The Pat Finucane Centre.
This seminar will focus on the implications of the European Court of
Human Rights Article 2 judgement of May 2001 in the case of Jordan,
McKerr, Shanaghan, Kelly & others. The aim of the seminar is to
provide a comprehensive update on the ongoing implications of the
Article 2 judgement and will provide an opportunity for legal
practitioners, NGOs and relatives to share information ideas and
strategies. Advance registration only - limited spaces available.
Calgach Centre, 7.30pm - 9.30pm. "The Truth about Truth
Commissions". Would a truth commission be a help or a hindrance to
those bereaved or hurt by the conflict? Panel discussion organised by
the Pat Finucane Centre. See press for details of speakers.
Solas Arts Centre, Gt James St, 8.30pm. Beidh an dara Oíche cheoil
agus siamsaíochta Tír Chonaill/Doire a chur i láthair in
Ionad Ealaíne Solas, Mórshráid Shéamais, Dé Sathairn
31 Eanáir, ag tosnú ar a 8.30i.n. Beidh scaifte as Gaeltacht
Thír Chonaill ag teacht go Doire do mhórshiúl
chuimhneacháin Dhomhnach na Fola, idir Baill de Bhuíonta Cheoil
Rann na Feirste agus Gaoth Dobhair agus ceoltóirí agus
amhránaithe den scoith. Beidh Cór Cholmcille ag coinneáil
cuideachta leo ar an ardán. Beidh táille de £5 ar an doras
agus thig libh bhur gcuid dí féin a thabhairt isteach libh. Bígí
Once again as part of the Bloody Sunday Commemorative Weekend,
singers and musicians from the Donegal Gaeltacht will join with
friends from Derry, including Cór Cholmcille for a concert in
Solas Arts Centre. Come along and enjoy a great evening's
entertainment. Doors open at 8.30 p.m. Admission £5.00, bring
your own.
Gasyard Centre, 9.00pm - till late. Bloody Sunday Weekend fundraiser,
with Cruncher O'Neill, Decky McLaughlin, The Shambelles and others.
Admission £5.00, bring your own. Organised by the Gasyard Wall
Sunday 1 February
Bloody Sunday Monument, Rossville Street, 11.00am. Wreath laying
service. Please join the families as they lay wreaths and offer
prayers for those killed and injured.
Creggan Shops, 2.30pm. 32nd Commemorative March and Rally. Speakers
from Sinn Féin and the SDLP and a representative of the deceased
and wounded. Soup and sandwiches will be available free in Sean
Dolan's GAC, Creggan, before and after the march.
Sandinos after the march. Soup, sandwiches, music and craic.
Revolutionary tax £2.00. All proceeds to the Bloody Sunday Weekend
A number of other events and exhibitions are planned for this years
commemoration. Further details will be published in the local press
Bloody Sunday Commemoration 2004 - Sunday, 1st February
This year republican socialists throughout the North West are
mobilising again for the annual Bloody Sunday march and rally. The
IRSP in Derry are requesting all areas attend the first national
demonstration/commemoration of the year, and would also welcome
individual comrades from other areas to attend. Supporters are
welcome to join in also.
Floor space is already limited. However details of local cheap B&B's
are available for those travelling from afar or for the weekend of
events currently being organised by the BSC.
Members and supporters are requested to bring along a Starry Plough
flag for republican socialist solidarity section
Benefit for next Grassroots Gathering - Cork March 5/6/7 <<<<<<<
Roots Reggae Firehouse Skank Sound System
@ The Blue Angel (Top Floor) Cork Opera House
(use Main Entrance)
(This) Friday 23rd Jan 04
11 pm To Late ... swear
Only 8 euros by ticket only.'
Contact 087 9572438
Grassroots Gathering - an alternative gathering of libertarian
socialists, anarchists and activists of the direct action persuasion
will take place in Cork at the beginning of March. Further details
on agenda/venue soon.....
Anti-Racist Network- There will be a demonstration at Belfast City
Hall on Tuesday 27th of January at 1pm {lunchtime rally} on Jan 27th
at the front of the city hall. All republican socialists and
republican socialist ex-prisoners are encouraged to attend
Please feel free to comment on the contents of the Plough. We welcome
political comments and criticisms.
If you know of anybody who might wish to receive the Plough please
send his or her e-mail address to
If you wish to receive back copies of the "The Plough" Please e-mail
to stating which numbers you wish.
To unsubscribe to the Plough please send e-mail
entitled "unsubscribe" to
It is the policy of the Plough to acknowledge information and
articles from other sources.
Subscribe to the bi-monthly
"The Starry Plough/An Camchéachta"
P.O. Box 1981, Derry, BT48 8GX, Ireland.
Fighting Fund/Donations
To: The Starry Plough
First Trust Bank, Derry, BT48 6BU
Account No. 14986015 Sort Code No. 93-86-10 (Pairtí Poblachtach Sóisialach na
h-Éireann) (James Connolly Society) (James Connolly Archive)
The new Republican Socialist Forum from Derry IRSP:
A new 2004 full colour glossy calendar is available now on the RSM
online shop.
It celebrates the brilliant work undertaken by the Teach Na Failte
Memorial Committees this past year throughout the six counties with
full colour photographs on each page.
Just in time for Christmas and the New Year this calendar can be
viewed online by clicking the link below
Republican Socialist Online Merchandise - New Website
A new website that offers a central place to go on the Internet to
find good quality items with a distinct Republican Socialist theme.
Proceeds from sales from this effort go towards the IRSM and it's
various projects.
Friday 16 January 2004
The Plough Vol 01 No 22
The Plough #22
16 January 2004
E-Mail Newsletter of the Irish Republican Socialist Party
1. Loyalist Violence Continues
2. North Belfast Shooting
3. North Belfast INLA Statement
4. IRSP Slam Bradley Comments as Cant and Hypocrisy
5. Garda Complaints
6. How The Other Half Live?
7. Republican Prisoners Face Removal to English Jails
8. Maghaberry POWs
9. Convention of the Left
10. What's On?
Loyalist Violence Continues
Loyalists riot and wreck part of the jail - loyalists attack the
graves of dead republicans in Milltown cemetery - loyalists attack
Catholic houses in Ligoneil - loyalists today, Friday, caused
widespread chaos in Belfast with hoax bomb scares some of which were
deliberately placed in nationalist areas - and the media soft pedal
in the reporting of all these events. This, all in a week that the
DUP say they will not negotiate with Sinn Fein because of their armed
wing, and are supported by the British Government in this stance.
While the political pressure is all on the PIRA to disarm and
disband, the great and the good - the media and the Brits, the
business classes, and the unionist bourgeoisie - choose to either
ignore loyalist violence or soft talk it.
But despite the best efforts of the spin-doctors, one cannot make a
silk purse out of a sow's ear. A pig is still a pig. A fascist is
still a fascist. A racist is still a racist.
Jackie McDonald, UDA supreme, and the person, without whose approval,
all of the above violent attacks by loyalists would not have
happened, is allowed to appear on TV and attempt to justify the
loyalist position. Fortunately he came across on the media as a
pathetic thug trying to justify the impossible. There is no
justification for the continued existence of the UDA. There never
was. It is a sectarian, racist, anti-Catholic, drug-dealing bunch of
bigots who prey on the protestant working class. They are the product
of a sectarian state. They are the lumpen proletariat - the
equivalent of the storm troops of Nazism. So long as the six county
sectarian state continues to exist so will the scum of the UDA
continue to thieve on fear on bigotry
North Belfast Shooting
The IRSP, having looked into the circumstances pertaining to the
shooting of a 14 year old in North Belfast, wish to place on record
its disapproval and condemnation of this action. We fully understand
the pressures and circumstances leading up to the shooting. Despite
the best efforts of both local community groups including CRJ and the
local Roman Catholic Church the family were unwilling to either
exercise control over the young boy or call a halt to the totality of
his anti-social behaviour, which terrorised the local community.
However experience of such punishments over the years has indicated
that they are counterproductive. We have been working to persuade
people that there has to be alternative approaches to major anti-
social and criminal activities in working class areas. We will
redouble our efforts to move people away from the use of rough
Statement on behalf of the Ard-Chomhairle, Irish Republican Socialist
John Martin - Political Secretary, IRSP
North Belfast INLA statement
The following is the text of a statement supplied to the Republican
Socialist Publicity Bureau:
Action taken against Ardoyne thug necessary - INLA
It was with great reluctance the North Belfast Irish National
Liberation Army took punitive action against Ardoyne RUC/PSNI
informer, thug and hood Eamonn Clarke for persistent and long term
attacks against his own community.
We would take this opportunity to set the record straight following
unfounded allegations by his family in the British gutter press
unfortunately repeated by some Irish newspapers who should know
better than to print unfounded allegations.
Eamonn Clarke apart from his final punishment was neither abused nor
tortured. If his family think that some how he is above any
responsibility to the local community for his actions let this be a
salutary lesson.
IRSP Slam Bradley Comments on Shot Antisocial as Cant and Hypocrisy
A member of the Ard-Chomhairle of the IRSP has rounded angrily on
Denis Bradley over comments he made to the BBC following the shooting
of an alleged teenage drug dealer in North Belfast on Friday. In his
comments to the BBC the former priest and political activist turned
Policing Board deputy had said: "The attack was animalistic. It won't
stop young people doing what young people do," he said. "All it does
is make the young person probably worse than what he or she was
"That's cant, and, more than that it's rank hypocrisy coming as it
does from Denis Bradley", the IRSP's Terry Harkin said. "Where was
Denis in 2003 when the INLA and IRSP exposed the use of, what was
then, a young boy as a paid agent of the PSNI? I reached out to Denis
then on behalf of the Republican Socialist Movement and the boy's
family, I phoned his office repeatedly, leaving detailed messages
with his secretary, over a three week period to ask him to help
this boy and all I got was one, very short message on my answer
"If Denis and the other agencies that should have provided support to
this young man and his family had acted when he was being abused by
the state and not waited to pontificate when something detrimental
happened to him, then we would have seen a much different outcome.
It's not as if nobody knew about the case, Sky News ran a 15 minute
segment every hour over a 24 hour period on him early last year, it's
still available on the Internet. Countless column inches and at least
three TV interviews have been done on this case in the last 12 months
alone. So people knew, and Denis knew, what was going on with this
young guy, why are they only crying foul now? And why did they not
help him when they could?"
"If Denis Bradley wants use his position as Number 2 on the Policing
Board to comment on this case, would it not be more fitting for him
to be asking the Police Ombudsman why no report has been published
into the recruitment, employment, payment and exploitation of this
boy as a state spy a year after the complaint was originally made?"
Garda Complaints
It has recently emerged that the Director of Public Prosecutions in
the 26 counties is unable to investigate the "vast majority" of files
that he receives from the Garda Complaints Board because the time
limit for summary prosecutions has already expired. The Gardai, the
police force of the Republic of Ireland, are a force without
credibility, public confidence or discipline.
Complaints against the Gardai have included forgery of signatures on
search warrants, perjury, corruption, the taking of bribes brutality
assault, the planting of evidence, the victimisation of political
activists and so on. The Garda Complaints Board has no control over
investigations into private complaints. By the time the DPP receives
the files on complaints the six months time limit has passed.
This appalling state of affairs has to be seen in the context of the
Gardai's treatment of asylum-seekers and immigrants and its negative
record in working class communities. Already a retired Circuit Court
Judge, Anthony Murphy has alleged that some Gardai committed perjury
in his court. In the past five years over 6 million euro has been
paid out to members of the public who suffered assault, unlawful
arrest etc. Two sisters arrested and manhandled by Garda in Grafton
street Dublin took a civil action against the Garda, received an
apology from the Garda and 80,000 euros. However the Garda involved
in the action were not punished and no action was taken against them.
We can confidently predict that the proposed reforms being brought in
by Michael McDowell, Minister for Justice, i.e. the introduction of a
Garda Ombudsman, will not solve the problem. While the new body will
be able to investigate allegations of poor conduct and corruption it
will only have a fraction of the funds and staff enjoyed by the
Northern Ireland Ombudsman.
How the Other Half Live?
(From Euobserver, Thursday 15 January 2004)
European Parliament President Pat Cox has come under pressure to stop
using private chartered flights. According to the Hamburg-based
magazine Stern, Mr Cox chartered a private plane five times in 2003
and three times in 2002. This is, however, not according to the
rules, reports Stern. One month ago the Parliament's administration
proposed to amend the internal rules on travel expenses to explicitly
allow for the hiring of charter planes and to take into account Mr
Cox's "current practice". But the Parliament's Questors rejected this
proposal unanimously. German Green MEP and substitute member of the
Budget Control Committee Heide Rühle said this "embarrassing"
practice should be stopped. Mr Cox said, according to Stern, he would
still continue to charter private flights, as this was the only
possible way of bringing him from his home in Cork in South-Eastern
Ireland to some far-away places in Eastern Europe.
Republican Prisoners Face Removal to English Jails
January 13, 2004
The British government is planning to expel remand and sentenced Six-
County Republican prisoners to jails in England, Wales and Scotland,
The new power is contained in the Justice (Northern Ireland) Bill
which is currently being debated by the Westminster parliament.
When this is passed into law any resistance by the prisoners to this
punitive regime could now result in their removal to jails in
Justice (Northern Ireland) Bill Clause 13. Transfer of prisoners.
2A. If it appears to the Secretary of State that
a) A person remanded in custody in Northern Ireland in connection
with an offence, or
b) A person serving a sentence of imprisonment in Northern Ireland;
should be transferred to England and Wales in the interests of
maintaining security or good order in any prison in Northern Ireland,
the Secretary of State may make an order for his transfer to England
and Wales, there to be remanded in custody pending his trial or, as
the case may be, to serve the whole or any part of the remainder of
his sentence, and for his removal to an appropriate institution
(From the Republican newspaper SAOIRSE)
Response by the Maghaberry POWs to the 'Compact Proposals for
Separated Prisoners'
Maghaberry POWs wish to draw public attention to our concerns
regarding future conditions at the gaol. Following recent protests
the prison authorities agreed reluctantly for a Republican Wing set
apart from those occupied by criminals and pro-British
paramilitaries. This decision was made in line with the government
sponsored Steele Report. Subsequently the 'Northern Ireland Prison
Service' has announced its intentions to launch a new regime for the
Republican Wing entitled "Compact for Separated Prisoners".
Bearing in mind the tendency of the British authorities to act in bad
faith when dealing with Republican prison protests, the POWs felt the
need to look upon the proposed regime with caution. On closer
inspection it appears our concerns were well founded. At the heart of
the compact document lies the prison authorities intention to deny
normal everyday activities such as education, recreation, exercise,
regular association, canteen facilities and even religious practice
to prisoners on Republican wings. The denial of these rights is to be
accompanied by daily cell and full body searches. It is our opinion
that these proposals amount to no less than punitive sanctions
against those Republicans who choose to live in safety on their own
Of equal concern is the prison service intention to enforce upon
Republican prisoners a rehabilitation scheme under the title "The
Home-Leave Resettlement Boards" as a pre-condition to successful
parole applications. The system will require prisoners to undergo
formal risk assessment, which will rely upon input from the PSNI,
Probation service and clinical psychologists and will look for
evidence that the prisoner has been "addressing his offending
behaviour while in gaol". This programme is mandatory for criminals
and sex offenders and to impose it on Republicans is no less than a
calculated insult to political prisoners who know full well they do
not need to be rehabilitated from anything.
In keeping with our integrity as Irish Republicans, the well-being of
future POWs, not to mention the sacrifices of past POWs on our
behalf, we reject the "Compact for Separated Prisoners" document.
Our men have been instructed not to sign any document in relation to
it. The onus will now be on the prison service to produce
arrangements, which will not attempt to criminalise us by the back
door, the intention of the compact proposal.
Any such attempt will as always be resisted.
PRO, Maghaberry POWs
Convention of the Left - Derry February 14th 2004
For everyone's information (from the SEA web site)
We are writing to invite you to a Convention of the Left to be held
in Derry on February 14th 2004. The purpose is to discuss a united
Left slate in the June 2004 European election.
We are writing to invite you to a Convention of the Left to be held
in Derry on February 14th 2004. The purpose is to discuss a united
Left slate in the June 2004 European election. The SEA sees it as an
imperative that there should be a left alternative in the field in
June. If no one else is willing to come along with us we are minded
to go forward on our own. In that circumstance, Eamonn McCann is
willing to stand.
However, we realise that a broad alliance covering the North would be
hugely preferable. We are very open to argument from others as to how
best we can jointly achieve this.
We envisage an electoral alliance of different parties, campaigning
groups and individuals offering voters a radical, anti-sectarian
alternative to parties based on one or other of "the two
communities." The results of the SEA interventions in Foyle and East
Londonderry by Eamonn McCann and Marion Baur make plain that a
credible, united left campaign can attract a level of support, which
cannot be derided or ignored. Without such an intervention, the
European election, for practical purposes, will amount to yet another
referendum" to determine who will champion each community vis-a-vis
the other. It will take a united, broadly based campaign to make a
Left intervention credible.
The issues bringing together socialists, environmentalists, defenders
of the public sector, anti-racists, women's rights campaigners and
anti-war groups in other countries affect us here too. Millions of
Europeans rallied to these issues in 2003, particularly in anti-war
demonstrations on February 15th. Our Convention marks the first
anniversary of those huge protests - which saw one of the biggest
ever marches in Belfast that did not reflect sectarian divisions.
We must break out of the circular argument, which holds that Northern
Ireland is so polarised along communal lines that there's no point
trying seriously to challenge its communal politics. A June campaign
would offer a chance to link day-to-day local concerns to major
issues being fought out at European level. Issues of water charges
and environmental protection cannot be understood other than in a
European perspective. The rise in racism on our streets is connected
to the "Fortress Europe" project. Local civil rights issues now arise
in parallel with the crackdown across Europe associated with the "war
on terror." Privatisation schemes in our schools and hospitals are
entangled with European directives on freeing market forces. And so
It is only in the context of the fight for a social Europe and
against a neo-liberal Europe that we can pursue these issues in
Northern Ireland. The notion that a better Northern Ireland and a
better Ireland is possible is an element in the broader notion that
another Europe is possible. As to when and by whom a serious
political effort is to be made to bring this about---if not now,
when? If not us, who?
The Convention will be held at the Verbal Arts Centre, located on the
City Walls at Bishop Street, Derry. A crèche will be provided. A
detailed Agenda will be issued shortly.
Yours sincerely
Marion Baur and Eamonn McCann
Republican Socialist Prisoners of War
Castlerea Prison
Declan Duffy [9 years-20 August 1973-Armagh/Dublin-April 2008]
Dessie O'Hare [Life-N/A-South Armagh-No Fixed Date]
Number 2, The Grove
Castlerea Prison
Castlrea, Co. Roscommon
Portlaoise Prison
Gerry Burns [5 years-7 October 1962-Dublin-May 2005]
Cathal Gartland [4 years-N/A-Dundalk-May 2007]
Kevin McLaughlin [4 years-13 November 1965-Belfast-August 2004]
Portlaoise Prison
Dublin Road
Portlaoise, Co. Laois
Letters, cards, birthday greetings, and so forth are welcome.
What's On?
Anti-Racist Network: There will be a demonstration at Belfast City
Hall on Tuesday 27th of January at 1pm {lunchtime rally} on Jan 27th
at the front of the city hall.
5.00 pm. All republican socialists are encouraged to attend
Bloody Sunday Commemoration 2004 - Sunday 25th of January
This year republican socialists throughout the North West are
mobilising again for the annual Bloody Sunday march and rally. The
IRSP in Derry are requesting all areas attend the first national
demonstration/commemoration of the year, and would also welcome
individual comrades from other areas to attend. Supporters are
welcome to join in also.
Floor space is already limited. However details of local cheap B&B's
are available for those travelling from afar or for the weekend of
events currently being organised by the BSC.
Members and supporters are requested to bring along a Starry Plough
flag for republican socialist solidarity section
A new 2004 full colour glossy calendar is available now on the RSM
online shop.
It celebrates the brilliant work undertaken by the Teach Na Failte
Memorial Committees this past year throughout the six counties with
full colour photographs on each page.
Just in time for Christmas and the New Year this calendar can be
viewed online by clicking the link below
Please feel free to comment on the contents of the Plough. We welcome
political comments and criticisms.
If you know of anybody who might wish to receive the Plough please
send his or her e-mail address to
If you wish to receive back copies of the "The Plough" Please e-mail
to stating which numbers you wish.
To unsubscribe to the Plough please send e-mail
entitled "unsubscribe" to
It is the policy of the Plough to acknowledge information and
articles from other sources.
Subscribe to the bi-monthly
"The Starry Plough/An Camchéachta"
P.O. Box 1981, Derry, BT48 8GX, Ireland.
Fighting Fund/Donations
To: The Starry Plough
First Trust Bank, Derry, BT48 6BU
Account No. 14986015 Sort Code No. 93-86-10 (Pairtí Poblachtach Sóisialach na
h-Éireann) (James Connolly Society) (James Connolly Archive)
The new Republican Socialist Forum from Derry IRSP:
Republican Socialist Online Merchandise - New Website
A new website that offers a central place to go on the Internet to
find good quality items with a distinct Republican Socialist theme.
Proceeds from sales from this effort go towards the IRSM and it's
various projects.
16 January 2004
E-Mail Newsletter of the Irish Republican Socialist Party
1. Loyalist Violence Continues
2. North Belfast Shooting
3. North Belfast INLA Statement
4. IRSP Slam Bradley Comments as Cant and Hypocrisy
5. Garda Complaints
6. How The Other Half Live?
7. Republican Prisoners Face Removal to English Jails
8. Maghaberry POWs
9. Convention of the Left
10. What's On?
Loyalist Violence Continues
Loyalists riot and wreck part of the jail - loyalists attack the
graves of dead republicans in Milltown cemetery - loyalists attack
Catholic houses in Ligoneil - loyalists today, Friday, caused
widespread chaos in Belfast with hoax bomb scares some of which were
deliberately placed in nationalist areas - and the media soft pedal
in the reporting of all these events. This, all in a week that the
DUP say they will not negotiate with Sinn Fein because of their armed
wing, and are supported by the British Government in this stance.
While the political pressure is all on the PIRA to disarm and
disband, the great and the good - the media and the Brits, the
business classes, and the unionist bourgeoisie - choose to either
ignore loyalist violence or soft talk it.
But despite the best efforts of the spin-doctors, one cannot make a
silk purse out of a sow's ear. A pig is still a pig. A fascist is
still a fascist. A racist is still a racist.
Jackie McDonald, UDA supreme, and the person, without whose approval,
all of the above violent attacks by loyalists would not have
happened, is allowed to appear on TV and attempt to justify the
loyalist position. Fortunately he came across on the media as a
pathetic thug trying to justify the impossible. There is no
justification for the continued existence of the UDA. There never
was. It is a sectarian, racist, anti-Catholic, drug-dealing bunch of
bigots who prey on the protestant working class. They are the product
of a sectarian state. They are the lumpen proletariat - the
equivalent of the storm troops of Nazism. So long as the six county
sectarian state continues to exist so will the scum of the UDA
continue to thieve on fear on bigotry
North Belfast Shooting
The IRSP, having looked into the circumstances pertaining to the
shooting of a 14 year old in North Belfast, wish to place on record
its disapproval and condemnation of this action. We fully understand
the pressures and circumstances leading up to the shooting. Despite
the best efforts of both local community groups including CRJ and the
local Roman Catholic Church the family were unwilling to either
exercise control over the young boy or call a halt to the totality of
his anti-social behaviour, which terrorised the local community.
However experience of such punishments over the years has indicated
that they are counterproductive. We have been working to persuade
people that there has to be alternative approaches to major anti-
social and criminal activities in working class areas. We will
redouble our efforts to move people away from the use of rough
Statement on behalf of the Ard-Chomhairle, Irish Republican Socialist
John Martin - Political Secretary, IRSP
North Belfast INLA statement
The following is the text of a statement supplied to the Republican
Socialist Publicity Bureau:
Action taken against Ardoyne thug necessary - INLA
It was with great reluctance the North Belfast Irish National
Liberation Army took punitive action against Ardoyne RUC/PSNI
informer, thug and hood Eamonn Clarke for persistent and long term
attacks against his own community.
We would take this opportunity to set the record straight following
unfounded allegations by his family in the British gutter press
unfortunately repeated by some Irish newspapers who should know
better than to print unfounded allegations.
Eamonn Clarke apart from his final punishment was neither abused nor
tortured. If his family think that some how he is above any
responsibility to the local community for his actions let this be a
salutary lesson.
IRSP Slam Bradley Comments on Shot Antisocial as Cant and Hypocrisy
A member of the Ard-Chomhairle of the IRSP has rounded angrily on
Denis Bradley over comments he made to the BBC following the shooting
of an alleged teenage drug dealer in North Belfast on Friday. In his
comments to the BBC the former priest and political activist turned
Policing Board deputy had said: "The attack was animalistic. It won't
stop young people doing what young people do," he said. "All it does
is make the young person probably worse than what he or she was
"That's cant, and, more than that it's rank hypocrisy coming as it
does from Denis Bradley", the IRSP's Terry Harkin said. "Where was
Denis in 2003 when the INLA and IRSP exposed the use of, what was
then, a young boy as a paid agent of the PSNI? I reached out to Denis
then on behalf of the Republican Socialist Movement and the boy's
family, I phoned his office repeatedly, leaving detailed messages
with his secretary, over a three week period to ask him to help
this boy and all I got was one, very short message on my answer
"If Denis and the other agencies that should have provided support to
this young man and his family had acted when he was being abused by
the state and not waited to pontificate when something detrimental
happened to him, then we would have seen a much different outcome.
It's not as if nobody knew about the case, Sky News ran a 15 minute
segment every hour over a 24 hour period on him early last year, it's
still available on the Internet. Countless column inches and at least
three TV interviews have been done on this case in the last 12 months
alone. So people knew, and Denis knew, what was going on with this
young guy, why are they only crying foul now? And why did they not
help him when they could?"
"If Denis Bradley wants use his position as Number 2 on the Policing
Board to comment on this case, would it not be more fitting for him
to be asking the Police Ombudsman why no report has been published
into the recruitment, employment, payment and exploitation of this
boy as a state spy a year after the complaint was originally made?"
Garda Complaints
It has recently emerged that the Director of Public Prosecutions in
the 26 counties is unable to investigate the "vast majority" of files
that he receives from the Garda Complaints Board because the time
limit for summary prosecutions has already expired. The Gardai, the
police force of the Republic of Ireland, are a force without
credibility, public confidence or discipline.
Complaints against the Gardai have included forgery of signatures on
search warrants, perjury, corruption, the taking of bribes brutality
assault, the planting of evidence, the victimisation of political
activists and so on. The Garda Complaints Board has no control over
investigations into private complaints. By the time the DPP receives
the files on complaints the six months time limit has passed.
This appalling state of affairs has to be seen in the context of the
Gardai's treatment of asylum-seekers and immigrants and its negative
record in working class communities. Already a retired Circuit Court
Judge, Anthony Murphy has alleged that some Gardai committed perjury
in his court. In the past five years over 6 million euro has been
paid out to members of the public who suffered assault, unlawful
arrest etc. Two sisters arrested and manhandled by Garda in Grafton
street Dublin took a civil action against the Garda, received an
apology from the Garda and 80,000 euros. However the Garda involved
in the action were not punished and no action was taken against them.
We can confidently predict that the proposed reforms being brought in
by Michael McDowell, Minister for Justice, i.e. the introduction of a
Garda Ombudsman, will not solve the problem. While the new body will
be able to investigate allegations of poor conduct and corruption it
will only have a fraction of the funds and staff enjoyed by the
Northern Ireland Ombudsman.
How the Other Half Live?
(From Euobserver, Thursday 15 January 2004)
European Parliament President Pat Cox has come under pressure to stop
using private chartered flights. According to the Hamburg-based
magazine Stern, Mr Cox chartered a private plane five times in 2003
and three times in 2002. This is, however, not according to the
rules, reports Stern. One month ago the Parliament's administration
proposed to amend the internal rules on travel expenses to explicitly
allow for the hiring of charter planes and to take into account Mr
Cox's "current practice". But the Parliament's Questors rejected this
proposal unanimously. German Green MEP and substitute member of the
Budget Control Committee Heide Rühle said this "embarrassing"
practice should be stopped. Mr Cox said, according to Stern, he would
still continue to charter private flights, as this was the only
possible way of bringing him from his home in Cork in South-Eastern
Ireland to some far-away places in Eastern Europe.
Republican Prisoners Face Removal to English Jails
January 13, 2004
The British government is planning to expel remand and sentenced Six-
County Republican prisoners to jails in England, Wales and Scotland,
The new power is contained in the Justice (Northern Ireland) Bill
which is currently being debated by the Westminster parliament.
When this is passed into law any resistance by the prisoners to this
punitive regime could now result in their removal to jails in
Justice (Northern Ireland) Bill Clause 13. Transfer of prisoners.
2A. If it appears to the Secretary of State that
a) A person remanded in custody in Northern Ireland in connection
with an offence, or
b) A person serving a sentence of imprisonment in Northern Ireland;
should be transferred to England and Wales in the interests of
maintaining security or good order in any prison in Northern Ireland,
the Secretary of State may make an order for his transfer to England
and Wales, there to be remanded in custody pending his trial or, as
the case may be, to serve the whole or any part of the remainder of
his sentence, and for his removal to an appropriate institution
(From the Republican newspaper SAOIRSE)
Response by the Maghaberry POWs to the 'Compact Proposals for
Separated Prisoners'
Maghaberry POWs wish to draw public attention to our concerns
regarding future conditions at the gaol. Following recent protests
the prison authorities agreed reluctantly for a Republican Wing set
apart from those occupied by criminals and pro-British
paramilitaries. This decision was made in line with the government
sponsored Steele Report. Subsequently the 'Northern Ireland Prison
Service' has announced its intentions to launch a new regime for the
Republican Wing entitled "Compact for Separated Prisoners".
Bearing in mind the tendency of the British authorities to act in bad
faith when dealing with Republican prison protests, the POWs felt the
need to look upon the proposed regime with caution. On closer
inspection it appears our concerns were well founded. At the heart of
the compact document lies the prison authorities intention to deny
normal everyday activities such as education, recreation, exercise,
regular association, canteen facilities and even religious practice
to prisoners on Republican wings. The denial of these rights is to be
accompanied by daily cell and full body searches. It is our opinion
that these proposals amount to no less than punitive sanctions
against those Republicans who choose to live in safety on their own
Of equal concern is the prison service intention to enforce upon
Republican prisoners a rehabilitation scheme under the title "The
Home-Leave Resettlement Boards" as a pre-condition to successful
parole applications. The system will require prisoners to undergo
formal risk assessment, which will rely upon input from the PSNI,
Probation service and clinical psychologists and will look for
evidence that the prisoner has been "addressing his offending
behaviour while in gaol". This programme is mandatory for criminals
and sex offenders and to impose it on Republicans is no less than a
calculated insult to political prisoners who know full well they do
not need to be rehabilitated from anything.
In keeping with our integrity as Irish Republicans, the well-being of
future POWs, not to mention the sacrifices of past POWs on our
behalf, we reject the "Compact for Separated Prisoners" document.
Our men have been instructed not to sign any document in relation to
it. The onus will now be on the prison service to produce
arrangements, which will not attempt to criminalise us by the back
door, the intention of the compact proposal.
Any such attempt will as always be resisted.
PRO, Maghaberry POWs
Convention of the Left - Derry February 14th 2004
For everyone's information (from the SEA web site)
We are writing to invite you to a Convention of the Left to be held
in Derry on February 14th 2004. The purpose is to discuss a united
Left slate in the June 2004 European election.
We are writing to invite you to a Convention of the Left to be held
in Derry on February 14th 2004. The purpose is to discuss a united
Left slate in the June 2004 European election. The SEA sees it as an
imperative that there should be a left alternative in the field in
June. If no one else is willing to come along with us we are minded
to go forward on our own. In that circumstance, Eamonn McCann is
willing to stand.
However, we realise that a broad alliance covering the North would be
hugely preferable. We are very open to argument from others as to how
best we can jointly achieve this.
We envisage an electoral alliance of different parties, campaigning
groups and individuals offering voters a radical, anti-sectarian
alternative to parties based on one or other of "the two
communities." The results of the SEA interventions in Foyle and East
Londonderry by Eamonn McCann and Marion Baur make plain that a
credible, united left campaign can attract a level of support, which
cannot be derided or ignored. Without such an intervention, the
European election, for practical purposes, will amount to yet another
referendum" to determine who will champion each community vis-a-vis
the other. It will take a united, broadly based campaign to make a
Left intervention credible.
The issues bringing together socialists, environmentalists, defenders
of the public sector, anti-racists, women's rights campaigners and
anti-war groups in other countries affect us here too. Millions of
Europeans rallied to these issues in 2003, particularly in anti-war
demonstrations on February 15th. Our Convention marks the first
anniversary of those huge protests - which saw one of the biggest
ever marches in Belfast that did not reflect sectarian divisions.
We must break out of the circular argument, which holds that Northern
Ireland is so polarised along communal lines that there's no point
trying seriously to challenge its communal politics. A June campaign
would offer a chance to link day-to-day local concerns to major
issues being fought out at European level. Issues of water charges
and environmental protection cannot be understood other than in a
European perspective. The rise in racism on our streets is connected
to the "Fortress Europe" project. Local civil rights issues now arise
in parallel with the crackdown across Europe associated with the "war
on terror." Privatisation schemes in our schools and hospitals are
entangled with European directives on freeing market forces. And so
It is only in the context of the fight for a social Europe and
against a neo-liberal Europe that we can pursue these issues in
Northern Ireland. The notion that a better Northern Ireland and a
better Ireland is possible is an element in the broader notion that
another Europe is possible. As to when and by whom a serious
political effort is to be made to bring this about---if not now,
when? If not us, who?
The Convention will be held at the Verbal Arts Centre, located on the
City Walls at Bishop Street, Derry. A crèche will be provided. A
detailed Agenda will be issued shortly.
Yours sincerely
Marion Baur and Eamonn McCann
Republican Socialist Prisoners of War
Castlerea Prison
Declan Duffy [9 years-20 August 1973-Armagh/Dublin-April 2008]
Dessie O'Hare [Life-N/A-South Armagh-No Fixed Date]
Number 2, The Grove
Castlerea Prison
Castlrea, Co. Roscommon
Portlaoise Prison
Gerry Burns [5 years-7 October 1962-Dublin-May 2005]
Cathal Gartland [4 years-N/A-Dundalk-May 2007]
Kevin McLaughlin [4 years-13 November 1965-Belfast-August 2004]
Portlaoise Prison
Dublin Road
Portlaoise, Co. Laois
Letters, cards, birthday greetings, and so forth are welcome.
What's On?
Anti-Racist Network: There will be a demonstration at Belfast City
Hall on Tuesday 27th of January at 1pm {lunchtime rally} on Jan 27th
at the front of the city hall.
5.00 pm. All republican socialists are encouraged to attend
Bloody Sunday Commemoration 2004 - Sunday 25th of January
This year republican socialists throughout the North West are
mobilising again for the annual Bloody Sunday march and rally. The
IRSP in Derry are requesting all areas attend the first national
demonstration/commemoration of the year, and would also welcome
individual comrades from other areas to attend. Supporters are
welcome to join in also.
Floor space is already limited. However details of local cheap B&B's
are available for those travelling from afar or for the weekend of
events currently being organised by the BSC.
Members and supporters are requested to bring along a Starry Plough
flag for republican socialist solidarity section
A new 2004 full colour glossy calendar is available now on the RSM
online shop.
It celebrates the brilliant work undertaken by the Teach Na Failte
Memorial Committees this past year throughout the six counties with
full colour photographs on each page.
Just in time for Christmas and the New Year this calendar can be
viewed online by clicking the link below
Please feel free to comment on the contents of the Plough. We welcome
political comments and criticisms.
If you know of anybody who might wish to receive the Plough please
send his or her e-mail address to
If you wish to receive back copies of the "The Plough" Please e-mail
to stating which numbers you wish.
To unsubscribe to the Plough please send e-mail
entitled "unsubscribe" to
It is the policy of the Plough to acknowledge information and
articles from other sources.
Subscribe to the bi-monthly
"The Starry Plough/An Camchéachta"
P.O. Box 1981, Derry, BT48 8GX, Ireland.
Fighting Fund/Donations
To: The Starry Plough
First Trust Bank, Derry, BT48 6BU
Account No. 14986015 Sort Code No. 93-86-10 (Pairtí Poblachtach Sóisialach na
h-Éireann) (James Connolly Society) (James Connolly Archive)
The new Republican Socialist Forum from Derry IRSP:
Republican Socialist Online Merchandise - New Website
A new website that offers a central place to go on the Internet to
find good quality items with a distinct Republican Socialist theme.
Proceeds from sales from this effort go towards the IRSM and it's
various projects.
Friday 9 January 2004
The Plough Vol 01 No 21
The Plough #21
9 January 2003
E-mail Newsletter of the Irish Republican Socialist Party
1. Racist Attacks
2. Asylum Seeker Needs Your Support
3. Derry City Council Rejects Arms Trade Investment
4. The True Inheritors?
5. Galway Activists Build for Arrival of EU Ministers
6. Is Another Europe Possible?
7. Bloody Sunday Commemoration 2004
8. What's On?
Racist Attacks
Once more racists living in the Donegall Road area of South Belfast
have attacked people because of the colour of their skin. Hua Long
Lin was at home watching television when a man burst in and smashed a
brick into his face. His wife was eight months pregnant. Outside the
kerbs are painted red, white and blue and Ku Klux Klan graffiti and
the "Chinks out" notices adorn the walls. A white Protestant family
told a community worker they couldn't offer a Chinese family
friendship in public or they would be "bricked" too. This is the fear
that fed the Nazis in the drive to power. The Six Counties holds the
UK's record for the highest rate of racist attacks: "spitting and
stoning in the street, human excrement on doorsteps, swastikas on
walls, pipe bombs, arson, the ransacking of houses with baseball bats
and crow bars, and white supremacist leaflets nailed to front doors."
(The Guardian)
There has been at least one racist incident a day for the past eight
months. Despite complaints to the police little has been done to stop
the attacks. Many victims don't bother complaining any more. In
loyalist working-class neighbourhoods there is pattern of
orchestrated house attacks aimed at "ethnically cleansing" minority
groups. This is similar to the tactics used against Catholics when
the civil rights movement first started.
It is happening in streets run by loyalist paramilitaries, both the
UDA and the UVF. Every Chinese takeaway owner already pays protection
money and the UVF have forbid any more Chinese to live in the
Donegall Pass area.
Peace walls are graffitied with swastikas and signs that read "keep
the streets white".
"The Village in South Belfast is a run-down network of loyalist
terraces where unemployment is high, union flags sag from lampposts
and almost every family has a link to loyalist paramilitaries." (The
In post-Good Friday Agreement segregation is the norm. Outsiders are
regarded with suspicion. The siege mentality against "outsiders" is
Attacks against pregnant Chinese women and new mothers have forced
them out of their homes. Ugandan, Nigerian and Romanian families were
also either burned out or forced out.
A six-foot plank was hurled through the front window of the home of a
Pakistani woman who was eight months pregnant. The spot where she and
her brother-in-law had eaten dinner 20 minutes before was sprayed
with glass. They had moved into the house 12 hours earlier.
There has always been a crossover of far right groups with loyalist
paramilitarism, while small racist groups are said to respect the
loyalists and style themselves as "paramilitary groupies". Combat 18
is written in marker pen near Chinese takeaways in the Village and
groups such as the White Nationalist Party have penetrated elsewhere,
threatening one anti-racist activist. Johnny Adair while a glue-
sniffing teenager was a member of a far right group.
A local estate agent said that he had told not to rent another house
to "Chinese, blacks or Asians". Ten of his tenants were forced out
last year.
The tolerance of a culture of sectarianism has not only spawned
violence against nationalists but is now spawning the evil of racism.
The IRSP expects nothing from the loyalist paramilitaries. We do not
expect them to stop the attacks for they are behind them and tolerate
them. However we do expect community workers, trade unionists and
republicans wherever they live to stand in solidarity with oppressed
minorities. Racism while now mainly occurring in loyalist areas also
exists in nationalist areas. We call on all to resist racism - but
lets be clear about this. The only way to deter these racists is to
beat them off the streets.
Asylum Seeker Needs Your Support
By Michael Gallagher - Residents Against Racism
Phone: 01 453 6856
Nimota Kate Bamidele is under sentence of death in Nigeria under
Sharia law. Her application for asylum in Ireland has been turned
Nimota Kate Bamidele was sentenced to death in Nigeria under Sharia
law. She has been in Ireland for a year and if she is returned to
Nigeria, she will be killed. The Department of Justice has turned
down her application for asylum, despite the circumstances.
Residents Against Racism are asking for letters of support for Nimota
Kate to be sent to the Department of Justice, under file reference
69/11276/02. Protest against the rejection of her application and
demand that the Minister for Justice use his power of review to grant
her asylum on humanitarian grounds.
For further information, contact Residents Against Racism at 01 453
Derry City Council Rejects Arms Trade Investment
A special meeting of Derry City Council has adopted an unprecedented
New Year resolution to introduce a "policy of opposition to the
city's economic participation in the international arms trade" and
instead elaborate a policy of Socially Responsible Investment (SRI).
The special meeting was convened at the request of the Foyle Ethical
Investment Campaign (FEIC) to consider the role of the Raytheon
Corporation in the production and proliferation of weapons of mass
destruction. The company, one of the biggest defence companies in the
world, established a software development centre in Derry but claims
that only civilian work is conducted there; a claim fiercely
contested by members of FEIC at today's meeting. Production includes
work on I-ORION, an information system that enables Raytheon to
enhance its design, procurement and sales of armaments. A Green Party
member of FEIC described the Special Council resolution as historic
and a great source of pride and hope for arms trade activists in
Derry and across the world. "Derry can now retake its rightful place
as a place of hope and solidarity, where peace and democracy are
cherished for one and all."
(Peter Doran - Green Party)
The True Inheritors?
Below we publish a press release from Republican Sinn Fein. We do so
not because we agree with it but because we disagree with it. However
we quote it in full so that we cannot be accused of distortion.
Seán South Commemoration: RIRA should disband
Limerick Republican Sinn Féin
January 4, 2004
A leading member of Republican Sinn Féin has said that the Real
IRA should consider disbanding, and dumping arms because they have no
credibility and are not the true inheritors of the 1916 Proclamation.
Emmet Walsh from Tullamore, County Offaly was speaking at the annual
Seán South commemoration in Limerick when he said that the Real
IRA had stayed with the sell-out Provos for eleven years and as a
result were compromised and lacked political judgement and
"The RIRA has no role to play at present - they should dis-band and
call off their campaign because they are not the true inheritors of
1916," he told the commemoration in Mount St. Lawrence cemetery in
Limerick on Sunday 4th January.
"The leaders of the RIRA sided with the Provos in their surrender.
The Provos and their smug self-satisfied leaders have dis-
honoured Irish Republicanism. It is time they abandoned the noble
name of Sinn Féin and left it to true Republicans like so many
other organisations have done, from Fianna Fáil in the Thirties
down to the Workers Party in more recent times.
"It was wrong of the Provos to send out volunteers to face death or
long terms in prison knowing that they were going to call off the
military campaign against the British presence in Ireland. While the
Provos were planning surrender they were sending volunteers to their
deaths. That is immoral and the fact is they settled for less than
what was on offer at Sunningdale. They decommissioned arms obtained
for the freedom of Ireland - did they have approval for these acts of
treachery? What would Seán South think of the acts of surrender
and treachery by the Provos?
"Seán South did not go out and risk death and imprisonment for
what the Provos claim they have achieved - he was forced to take up
resistance to the injustice of partition -he had come to the
conclusion that the political and military establishment of the 26
Counties could not win the freedom of Ireland - he answered the call
of Mother Ireland for the freedom of her four green fields."
President of Republican Sinn Féin, Ruairí Ó Brádaigh and
the locally based vice-president Des Long attended the commemoration
after a march led by a colour party and a lone piper from Bedford
[statement's end]
We do not consider it appropriate for any republican organisation to
be calling on any other republican organisation to disband. Before
they split from Provisional Sinn Fein many of the members of RSF were
part of an organisation that habitually called for the INLA to
disband. Part of the rationale behind this is that they considered
themselves "the true inheritors of the 1916 Proclamation" and
therefore regarded anyone else as some how inferior or non true
republican. This elitism permeated the whole Provisional movement
from 1969. When RSF split from PSF they regarded themselves as the
only true republican inheritors of the men and women of 1916 and
therefore they despise those who stayed with the Provos. All who did
not walk away in the eighties were regarded with suspicion. So we now
have the position of having at least 4 IRAs in existence - the
Provisional, the Official, the Continuity and the Real, three of
which are in the Provisional tradition. The enmity between them is
not good for the struggle for self-determination.
We in the Republican Socialist Movement have strong disagreements
with all of the above organisations and the politics they represent.
For example references to Mother Ireland and the four green fields
resonate with a type of reactionary nationalism that ignores and
glosses over real class issues. These types of emotional appeals we
think are a distraction from real political issues.
But political disagreements do not inhibit us from co-operating on a
wide range of issues. An important issue, which requires the co-
operation of all republicans, was, is and will be the issue of
political prisoners. If republicans cannot co-operate here then we
are all the losers.
Galway Activists Build for Arrival of EU Ministers
On Wednesday 7th Jan, a public meeting was held in Galway under the
title "Another Europe is possible" and trade unionists, anti-war and
human rights activists have planned a protest against "war, racism
and privatisation" during next week's informal EU council of
employment and trade ministers in Galway City.
EU ministers and officials will gather outside the city centre in the
Corrib Great Southern Hotel and are due to attend a social evening
close to Galway's Eyre Square on Friday evening - when the march will
take place.
Some 70 representatives of anti-war and human rights groups, along
with trade unionists, will argue that "another Europe" is possible.
Mr Richard Boyd Barrett, chairman of the Irish Anti-War Movement,
called for a rejection of the idea that the EU should either align
itself with the US, or become a rival economic and military power.
Irish people should seek an alternative EU, which would be democratic
and concerned with the welfare of its people, he said.
Mr Peter Butler of the Galway One World Centre expressed concern
about EU trading practices, which he maintained had a detrimental
effect on economies in developing states, while Ms Tríona nic
Giolla Choille of the Galway Refugee Support Group said that recent
developments had seen the "progressive dismantling of the rights of
asylum." It was clear that "fortress Europe" was being strengthened,
she said.
The safety implications and effects on working conditions of
privatisation of the transport sector was highlighted by Mr Pat
Keane, regional secretary of the Technical, Electrical and
Engineering Union.
Mr Owen McCormack, a Dublin bus driver and member of the National Bus
and Rail Union, called for a coalition of trade unionists,
environmentalists and anti-racism groups to emerge during the Irish
EU presidency - similar to that in Seattle in the late 1990s, when
people mobilised against the World Trade Organisation talks promoting
privatisation of public services.
(Irish Times)
Is Another Europe Possible?
This is a time when Bertie and his Muppets have the crown of Europe
for the next six months.
This is the time when light from the world's media will shine upon
the country to gage reaction from all quarters on Europe.
This is the time when many are looking towards the European election
due in June/July.
This is the time when the European state will grow to 25 members
increasing its Power, Influence and Greater Control over all our
lives as the EU super-state takes its hold.
Already I've heard its anti-imperialist/anti-global street politics
or is it, which others have described it to be as and that's taking
part in the elections at local level to act global.
The question is: Is Another Europe Is Possible? If so what is our
Bloody Sunday Commemoration 2004
This year republican socialists throughout the North West are
mobilising again for the annual Bloody Sunday march and rally. The
IRSP in Derry are requesting all areas attend the first national
demonstration/commemoration of the year, and would also welcome
individual comrades from other areas to attend. Supporters are
welcome to join in also.
Floor space is already limited. However details of local cheap B&B's
are available for those travelling from afar or for the weekend of
events currently being organised by the BSC.
Members and supporters are requested to bring along a Starry Plough
flag for republican socialist solidarity section.
What's On?
The Men's Health Forum in Ireland will launch its new report, Men's
Health in Ireland, on 15 January 2004 in Buswell's Hotel, Molesworth
Street, Dublin. Registration will begin at 10.30 am. The launch
will begin at 11.00 am. This report provides the most comprehensive
overview of statistics on men's health on the island of Ireland ever
collated. It also highlights key issues on men's health men die, on
average, six years younger than women do; poorer men have poorer
health; men are four times more likely than women to die from
suicide; men take more risks with their health; men are reluctant
users of Primary Care Services and often present too late for
effective treatments to be delivered; men's health is under-
researched - both clinically and in terms of health promotion.
Minister of State at the Department of Health and Children in the
Republic of Ireland, Mr Ivor Callely, will launch the report. The
event will include an overview of the main issues and recommendations
within the report, as well as a keynote address from prominent
broadcaster and journalist Tommie Gorman.
All attendees will receive a hard copy of the report. Further copies
will be available for free downloading from the internet at from 16 January 2004. Please RSVP to Kay Houlihan by 5
January 2004 on tel: 00 353 1 462 5364 or email:
Democracy Commission Seminar
NICVA, Community Foundation NI and WEA will be holding a session with
the Democracy Commission, an independent body set up in response to
widespread concerns about the capacity of political institutions on
the island of Ireland, North and South. David Begg, General
Secretary, Irish Congress of Trade Unions, and Chair of the
Commission, will chair the session, which will be held on 12 January
2004 at 2.00 pm at NICVA. To book a place contact Cathy Breslin
on tel: 028 9087 7777 or email:
Full details are available from:
A new 2004 full colour glossy calendar is available now on the RSM
online shop.
It celebrates the brilliant work undertaken by the Teach Na Failte
Memorial Committees this past year throughout the six counties with
full colour photographs on each page.
Just in time for Christmas and the New Year this calendar can be
viewed online by clicking the link below
Please feel free to comment on the contents of the Plough. We welcome
political comments and criticisms.
If you know of anybody who might wish to receive the Plough please
send his or her e-mail address to
If you wish to receive back copies of the "The Plough" Please e-mail
to stating which numbers you wish.
To unsubscribe to the Plough please send e-mail
entitled "unsubscribe" to
It is the policy of the Plough to acknowledge information and
articles from other sources.
Subscribe to the bi-monthly
"The Starry Plough/An Camchéachta"
P.O. Box 1981, Derry, BT48 8GX, Ireland.
Fighting Fund/Donations
To: The Starry Plough
First Trust Bank, Derry, BT48 6BU
Account No. 14986015 Sort Code No. 93-86-10 (Pairtí Poblachtach Sóisialach na
h-Éireann) (James Connolly Society) (James Connolly Archive)
The new Republican Socialist Forum from Derry IRSP:
Republican Socialist Online Merchandise - New Website
A new website that offers a central place to go on the Internet to
find good quality items with a distinct Republican Socialist theme.
Proceeds from sales from this effort go towards the IRSM and it's
various projects.
9 January 2003
E-mail Newsletter of the Irish Republican Socialist Party
1. Racist Attacks
2. Asylum Seeker Needs Your Support
3. Derry City Council Rejects Arms Trade Investment
4. The True Inheritors?
5. Galway Activists Build for Arrival of EU Ministers
6. Is Another Europe Possible?
7. Bloody Sunday Commemoration 2004
8. What's On?
Racist Attacks
Once more racists living in the Donegall Road area of South Belfast
have attacked people because of the colour of their skin. Hua Long
Lin was at home watching television when a man burst in and smashed a
brick into his face. His wife was eight months pregnant. Outside the
kerbs are painted red, white and blue and Ku Klux Klan graffiti and
the "Chinks out" notices adorn the walls. A white Protestant family
told a community worker they couldn't offer a Chinese family
friendship in public or they would be "bricked" too. This is the fear
that fed the Nazis in the drive to power. The Six Counties holds the
UK's record for the highest rate of racist attacks: "spitting and
stoning in the street, human excrement on doorsteps, swastikas on
walls, pipe bombs, arson, the ransacking of houses with baseball bats
and crow bars, and white supremacist leaflets nailed to front doors."
(The Guardian)
There has been at least one racist incident a day for the past eight
months. Despite complaints to the police little has been done to stop
the attacks. Many victims don't bother complaining any more. In
loyalist working-class neighbourhoods there is pattern of
orchestrated house attacks aimed at "ethnically cleansing" minority
groups. This is similar to the tactics used against Catholics when
the civil rights movement first started.
It is happening in streets run by loyalist paramilitaries, both the
UDA and the UVF. Every Chinese takeaway owner already pays protection
money and the UVF have forbid any more Chinese to live in the
Donegall Pass area.
Peace walls are graffitied with swastikas and signs that read "keep
the streets white".
"The Village in South Belfast is a run-down network of loyalist
terraces where unemployment is high, union flags sag from lampposts
and almost every family has a link to loyalist paramilitaries." (The
In post-Good Friday Agreement segregation is the norm. Outsiders are
regarded with suspicion. The siege mentality against "outsiders" is
Attacks against pregnant Chinese women and new mothers have forced
them out of their homes. Ugandan, Nigerian and Romanian families were
also either burned out or forced out.
A six-foot plank was hurled through the front window of the home of a
Pakistani woman who was eight months pregnant. The spot where she and
her brother-in-law had eaten dinner 20 minutes before was sprayed
with glass. They had moved into the house 12 hours earlier.
There has always been a crossover of far right groups with loyalist
paramilitarism, while small racist groups are said to respect the
loyalists and style themselves as "paramilitary groupies". Combat 18
is written in marker pen near Chinese takeaways in the Village and
groups such as the White Nationalist Party have penetrated elsewhere,
threatening one anti-racist activist. Johnny Adair while a glue-
sniffing teenager was a member of a far right group.
A local estate agent said that he had told not to rent another house
to "Chinese, blacks or Asians". Ten of his tenants were forced out
last year.
The tolerance of a culture of sectarianism has not only spawned
violence against nationalists but is now spawning the evil of racism.
The IRSP expects nothing from the loyalist paramilitaries. We do not
expect them to stop the attacks for they are behind them and tolerate
them. However we do expect community workers, trade unionists and
republicans wherever they live to stand in solidarity with oppressed
minorities. Racism while now mainly occurring in loyalist areas also
exists in nationalist areas. We call on all to resist racism - but
lets be clear about this. The only way to deter these racists is to
beat them off the streets.
Asylum Seeker Needs Your Support
By Michael Gallagher - Residents Against Racism
Phone: 01 453 6856
Nimota Kate Bamidele is under sentence of death in Nigeria under
Sharia law. Her application for asylum in Ireland has been turned
Nimota Kate Bamidele was sentenced to death in Nigeria under Sharia
law. She has been in Ireland for a year and if she is returned to
Nigeria, she will be killed. The Department of Justice has turned
down her application for asylum, despite the circumstances.
Residents Against Racism are asking for letters of support for Nimota
Kate to be sent to the Department of Justice, under file reference
69/11276/02. Protest against the rejection of her application and
demand that the Minister for Justice use his power of review to grant
her asylum on humanitarian grounds.
For further information, contact Residents Against Racism at 01 453
Derry City Council Rejects Arms Trade Investment
A special meeting of Derry City Council has adopted an unprecedented
New Year resolution to introduce a "policy of opposition to the
city's economic participation in the international arms trade" and
instead elaborate a policy of Socially Responsible Investment (SRI).
The special meeting was convened at the request of the Foyle Ethical
Investment Campaign (FEIC) to consider the role of the Raytheon
Corporation in the production and proliferation of weapons of mass
destruction. The company, one of the biggest defence companies in the
world, established a software development centre in Derry but claims
that only civilian work is conducted there; a claim fiercely
contested by members of FEIC at today's meeting. Production includes
work on I-ORION, an information system that enables Raytheon to
enhance its design, procurement and sales of armaments. A Green Party
member of FEIC described the Special Council resolution as historic
and a great source of pride and hope for arms trade activists in
Derry and across the world. "Derry can now retake its rightful place
as a place of hope and solidarity, where peace and democracy are
cherished for one and all."
(Peter Doran - Green Party)
The True Inheritors?
Below we publish a press release from Republican Sinn Fein. We do so
not because we agree with it but because we disagree with it. However
we quote it in full so that we cannot be accused of distortion.
Seán South Commemoration: RIRA should disband
Limerick Republican Sinn Féin
January 4, 2004
A leading member of Republican Sinn Féin has said that the Real
IRA should consider disbanding, and dumping arms because they have no
credibility and are not the true inheritors of the 1916 Proclamation.
Emmet Walsh from Tullamore, County Offaly was speaking at the annual
Seán South commemoration in Limerick when he said that the Real
IRA had stayed with the sell-out Provos for eleven years and as a
result were compromised and lacked political judgement and
"The RIRA has no role to play at present - they should dis-band and
call off their campaign because they are not the true inheritors of
1916," he told the commemoration in Mount St. Lawrence cemetery in
Limerick on Sunday 4th January.
"The leaders of the RIRA sided with the Provos in their surrender.
The Provos and their smug self-satisfied leaders have dis-
honoured Irish Republicanism. It is time they abandoned the noble
name of Sinn Féin and left it to true Republicans like so many
other organisations have done, from Fianna Fáil in the Thirties
down to the Workers Party in more recent times.
"It was wrong of the Provos to send out volunteers to face death or
long terms in prison knowing that they were going to call off the
military campaign against the British presence in Ireland. While the
Provos were planning surrender they were sending volunteers to their
deaths. That is immoral and the fact is they settled for less than
what was on offer at Sunningdale. They decommissioned arms obtained
for the freedom of Ireland - did they have approval for these acts of
treachery? What would Seán South think of the acts of surrender
and treachery by the Provos?
"Seán South did not go out and risk death and imprisonment for
what the Provos claim they have achieved - he was forced to take up
resistance to the injustice of partition -he had come to the
conclusion that the political and military establishment of the 26
Counties could not win the freedom of Ireland - he answered the call
of Mother Ireland for the freedom of her four green fields."
President of Republican Sinn Féin, Ruairí Ó Brádaigh and
the locally based vice-president Des Long attended the commemoration
after a march led by a colour party and a lone piper from Bedford
[statement's end]
We do not consider it appropriate for any republican organisation to
be calling on any other republican organisation to disband. Before
they split from Provisional Sinn Fein many of the members of RSF were
part of an organisation that habitually called for the INLA to
disband. Part of the rationale behind this is that they considered
themselves "the true inheritors of the 1916 Proclamation" and
therefore regarded anyone else as some how inferior or non true
republican. This elitism permeated the whole Provisional movement
from 1969. When RSF split from PSF they regarded themselves as the
only true republican inheritors of the men and women of 1916 and
therefore they despise those who stayed with the Provos. All who did
not walk away in the eighties were regarded with suspicion. So we now
have the position of having at least 4 IRAs in existence - the
Provisional, the Official, the Continuity and the Real, three of
which are in the Provisional tradition. The enmity between them is
not good for the struggle for self-determination.
We in the Republican Socialist Movement have strong disagreements
with all of the above organisations and the politics they represent.
For example references to Mother Ireland and the four green fields
resonate with a type of reactionary nationalism that ignores and
glosses over real class issues. These types of emotional appeals we
think are a distraction from real political issues.
But political disagreements do not inhibit us from co-operating on a
wide range of issues. An important issue, which requires the co-
operation of all republicans, was, is and will be the issue of
political prisoners. If republicans cannot co-operate here then we
are all the losers.
Galway Activists Build for Arrival of EU Ministers
On Wednesday 7th Jan, a public meeting was held in Galway under the
title "Another Europe is possible" and trade unionists, anti-war and
human rights activists have planned a protest against "war, racism
and privatisation" during next week's informal EU council of
employment and trade ministers in Galway City.
EU ministers and officials will gather outside the city centre in the
Corrib Great Southern Hotel and are due to attend a social evening
close to Galway's Eyre Square on Friday evening - when the march will
take place.
Some 70 representatives of anti-war and human rights groups, along
with trade unionists, will argue that "another Europe" is possible.
Mr Richard Boyd Barrett, chairman of the Irish Anti-War Movement,
called for a rejection of the idea that the EU should either align
itself with the US, or become a rival economic and military power.
Irish people should seek an alternative EU, which would be democratic
and concerned with the welfare of its people, he said.
Mr Peter Butler of the Galway One World Centre expressed concern
about EU trading practices, which he maintained had a detrimental
effect on economies in developing states, while Ms Tríona nic
Giolla Choille of the Galway Refugee Support Group said that recent
developments had seen the "progressive dismantling of the rights of
asylum." It was clear that "fortress Europe" was being strengthened,
she said.
The safety implications and effects on working conditions of
privatisation of the transport sector was highlighted by Mr Pat
Keane, regional secretary of the Technical, Electrical and
Engineering Union.
Mr Owen McCormack, a Dublin bus driver and member of the National Bus
and Rail Union, called for a coalition of trade unionists,
environmentalists and anti-racism groups to emerge during the Irish
EU presidency - similar to that in Seattle in the late 1990s, when
people mobilised against the World Trade Organisation talks promoting
privatisation of public services.
(Irish Times)
Is Another Europe Possible?
This is a time when Bertie and his Muppets have the crown of Europe
for the next six months.
This is the time when light from the world's media will shine upon
the country to gage reaction from all quarters on Europe.
This is the time when many are looking towards the European election
due in June/July.
This is the time when the European state will grow to 25 members
increasing its Power, Influence and Greater Control over all our
lives as the EU super-state takes its hold.
Already I've heard its anti-imperialist/anti-global street politics
or is it, which others have described it to be as and that's taking
part in the elections at local level to act global.
The question is: Is Another Europe Is Possible? If so what is our
Bloody Sunday Commemoration 2004
This year republican socialists throughout the North West are
mobilising again for the annual Bloody Sunday march and rally. The
IRSP in Derry are requesting all areas attend the first national
demonstration/commemoration of the year, and would also welcome
individual comrades from other areas to attend. Supporters are
welcome to join in also.
Floor space is already limited. However details of local cheap B&B's
are available for those travelling from afar or for the weekend of
events currently being organised by the BSC.
Members and supporters are requested to bring along a Starry Plough
flag for republican socialist solidarity section.
What's On?
The Men's Health Forum in Ireland will launch its new report, Men's
Health in Ireland, on 15 January 2004 in Buswell's Hotel, Molesworth
Street, Dublin. Registration will begin at 10.30 am. The launch
will begin at 11.00 am. This report provides the most comprehensive
overview of statistics on men's health on the island of Ireland ever
collated. It also highlights key issues on men's health men die, on
average, six years younger than women do; poorer men have poorer
health; men are four times more likely than women to die from
suicide; men take more risks with their health; men are reluctant
users of Primary Care Services and often present too late for
effective treatments to be delivered; men's health is under-
researched - both clinically and in terms of health promotion.
Minister of State at the Department of Health and Children in the
Republic of Ireland, Mr Ivor Callely, will launch the report. The
event will include an overview of the main issues and recommendations
within the report, as well as a keynote address from prominent
broadcaster and journalist Tommie Gorman.
All attendees will receive a hard copy of the report. Further copies
will be available for free downloading from the internet at from 16 January 2004. Please RSVP to Kay Houlihan by 5
January 2004 on tel: 00 353 1 462 5364 or email:
Democracy Commission Seminar
NICVA, Community Foundation NI and WEA will be holding a session with
the Democracy Commission, an independent body set up in response to
widespread concerns about the capacity of political institutions on
the island of Ireland, North and South. David Begg, General
Secretary, Irish Congress of Trade Unions, and Chair of the
Commission, will chair the session, which will be held on 12 January
2004 at 2.00 pm at NICVA. To book a place contact Cathy Breslin
on tel: 028 9087 7777 or email:
Full details are available from:
A new 2004 full colour glossy calendar is available now on the RSM
online shop.
It celebrates the brilliant work undertaken by the Teach Na Failte
Memorial Committees this past year throughout the six counties with
full colour photographs on each page.
Just in time for Christmas and the New Year this calendar can be
viewed online by clicking the link below
Please feel free to comment on the contents of the Plough. We welcome
political comments and criticisms.
If you know of anybody who might wish to receive the Plough please
send his or her e-mail address to
If you wish to receive back copies of the "The Plough" Please e-mail
to stating which numbers you wish.
To unsubscribe to the Plough please send e-mail
entitled "unsubscribe" to
It is the policy of the Plough to acknowledge information and
articles from other sources.
Subscribe to the bi-monthly
"The Starry Plough/An Camchéachta"
P.O. Box 1981, Derry, BT48 8GX, Ireland.
Fighting Fund/Donations
To: The Starry Plough
First Trust Bank, Derry, BT48 6BU
Account No. 14986015 Sort Code No. 93-86-10 (Pairtí Poblachtach Sóisialach na
h-Éireann) (James Connolly Society) (James Connolly Archive)
The new Republican Socialist Forum from Derry IRSP:
Republican Socialist Online Merchandise - New Website
A new website that offers a central place to go on the Internet to
find good quality items with a distinct Republican Socialist theme.
Proceeds from sales from this effort go towards the IRSM and it's
various projects.
Subscribe to:
Posts (Atom)